
Monday, October 20, 2008

And the clouds parted!!!

Once upon a time there was a piece of canvas calling out my name. I approached this canvas and began to attach many exciting things to the surface.
It is always exciting to start a new piece. You know you have begun an adventure and off I went. Over hills and through the valley's I traveled hoping to find the castle door at the end.
But alas, no door showed itself to me.
So in frustration, I covered the entire piece with gesso and went in a whole new direction. This was becoming quite an adventure indeed.
Adding gesso and cerulean blue changed how I felt about the piece. I removed some original areas and added new areas. I outlined all the pieces within the collage with charcoal and that really helped it to pop.
Here is the finished piece and I hope you enjoyed the journey!!


  1. It truly is an adventure when we begin a new piece of work...when the medium calls our name and we let our muse do her thing. This is lovely!!!

  2. I loved this journey! A beautiful piece!
    Thank you for your wonderful comment on my paper cut...I had to pop over here and see what else your up to! I'm glad that I did!
    La Donna

  3. I like this A LOT SueAnn! You are so right that each piece is a journey. I never know exactly how something is going to end up when I get started.

  4. Thanks for the tips. I am glad to find your BlOG. IT is wonderful. I will add this link to my blog. Thanks for stopping by to vote on my Halloween Challange SueAnn. I am going to have another one for Thanksgiving. Hope you can join in on the fun.


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