
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Silent Saturday!! Part Five

These are the last snow pictures. Because I know spring is right around the corner. Sigh!! I know they say another blizzard is coming but we are not going to talk about it. And I refuse to take any pictures of it!!! As far as I am concerned, it will not exist!! Enjoy!

These are manipulated photos! I put some "ice" into them! Just like they have been doing to me!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you

Friday, February 26, 2010

I had to share!!!

Our Florida trip...2010!!! Of course we only had one day of sun!! LOL!! It rained every day but that one. And the temperatures hovered around 50 degrees!! When we left it was 40 degrees and a very cold wind was blowing. Most Floridians were very upset. They have no coats??!! LOL!
Here is the trip!!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just had to share!!

Stacey over at ArtSnark had this video that I thought was fabulous!! It features paper cutting and it is so cool!!!

Just had to share it here too!! And go visit Stacey!! She has a wonderful blog full of fabulous ideas and art and interviews!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Here we go again!!! RTT

Well, here I sit in Florida and it has been raining. What's up with that!?! Had one good day...Sunday...beautiful and 78 degrees. Loved it! I am not cold anymore. WooHoo!!

Flight was great! Fit in the seat...that is always a plus. I swear! They are making these seats smaller and smaller. No wonder they said that guy was too fat! You have to be a model to fit nowadays!!!!! Good thing I lost 125 lbs. or they would have asked me to leave as well. Anyway! Our baggage all made it to Florida too. I would say a win, win here!

So we get to our room about 9PM and we were so tired. We are staying at the Hilton Airport in West Palm Beach and it is very pretty. The rooms are luxurious but similar to a fancy Holiday Inn. King sized bed, a comfy chair and a desk. They have WiFi ! Woohoo!

We have to take a Trolley to the Convention Center for Dr. John's conference. Geo Technical Engineers! Riding public transportation is always an adventure. And a Trolley no less!!! The driver is a retired cop from New Jersey. LOL!

Conference day one was uneventful. Got signed in and Dr. John saw some engineers that he knew. You could tell he was excited to be here. I was just glad to be in Florida!

Day two was a Spouses' breakfast so I decided to get a little dressed up. Even put my heels on with knee high pantyhose and off we went to catch the Trolley. Ha! Got to the Trolley and I realized my knee high pantyhose were around my ankles. I had lost so much weight that the queen size did not fit any more. Oh well! And I am not used to wearing heels so I am very unsteady on my feet. Boy this is going to be a llllooooonnnngggg day! Get to the breakfast one half hour early. Sigh! Knee highs definitely around my ankles and I am wobbly on my feet...I keep finding places to sit down. Luckily I have pants on so you can't see the hose dangling around my ankles.

8AM! Time for breakfast and I entered the room and there were beautifully set round tables for about 30 spouses. I go in and three other woman enter soon thereafter. We chat and introduce ourselves. I, of course, am sitting! The four of us was all that showed up! Sad!

As breakfast is served I am trying to figure out how I am going to leave this room and go down a slippery hall and out a long sidewalk to catch the Trolley at 10AM??? Oh dear! So I finally decided to take my shoes off and go with my dangling pantyhose only.

So almost barefooted, I run (well walk fast) to catch the Trolley. Some people noticed my feet but said nothing. Whew! Got on Trolley and knew the worst was almost over. Soon I would be back in my room and I could throw away those awful pantyhose and put shoes back in bag. I should have known better. I should have practiced more with the shoes and tried the pantyhose on earlier. Hindsight is 20/20!! It had been 15 years since I had worn heels. Dumb me!!

I changed and grabbed my book, Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston, and headed down to the Tiki Bar. Sun shinning, pier out on a lake...what could be better? Ahhh!! A Mojito!! And the bartender fixed me up. Really did a good job too! Half way through my drink, I was feeling the effects of two kinds of rum! Oh dear! Back to wobbly again and this time with flats!!

Book is great! Drink was great! Sun is great! I am having a great time! What more could I ask for?? Well maybe a Cindy Crawford body and winning the lottery but other than that...nothing!!

Have a magical and blessed day.
From sunny and kind of wet Florida
Hugging you

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Silent Saturday!! Part Four

Have a magical and blessed weekend!

Hugging you

Friday, February 19, 2010

WIP ~ Day Seven

Well I spend the day yesterday adding beads to the surface of the mirror. If you remember. I installed brass and copper nails into the top of the mirror frame before I grouted. This was after I grouted, so I could string copper wire and put beads on the wire.

Here are some close ups of the beading.

I hope I got close enough so you could see the copper wire and beads!?! It was tedious, but I like how it turned out. How about you?

Today, I paint the edges black so you don't see the raw wood edge. That way, when the mirror is put in, there will be no separation showing in the reflection.

Hope you have enjoyed this process...I sure did.

I will post some over all when I can get this puppy outdoors. So far, I have only been able to show you sections.

Have a magical and blessed weekend!!
Hugging you

Thursday, February 18, 2010

WIP ~ Day Six!!

As are the first pictures of the grouted mosaic mirror frame. The color shifted a bit! I worked and worked at it...the photo that
is and still didn't get the true color. It is a burgundy/brown color. These pics look more brown. Oh well! You can hopefully get the idea. As you can also see, I am adding a wire overlay.

These will hold beads! That is what I am doing today...after I seal it.

I also noticed some spots where some grout is missing. So I have that to do too. I was hoping to deliver on Friday. But now it looks like it won't be until I return home. I will call them today and tell them.

Thanks for walking with me through this process! I have so enjoyed all the comments! I still have a ways to go; but I will keep you posted.

Have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

WIP ~ Day Five!!

Well here are the pictures I promised! All the tiling is done and I am so excited! I have some tweaking to do and then I grout.

The tweaking involves hammering in brass and copper nails! Yes! You heard me right! Nails!!!!!! I will be wiring this puppy up. I thought the addition of copper and brass wires going hither and yon would be a fun touch.

But I had to do the nailing first...then grout. Then when the grout is set and cured, I can stretch the wires. I may even add beads to them which will give a whole new layer!! This is going to be so cool.

The pictures I am posting, if you look closely, you will see the nail heads sticking up here and there. Again, I will take pics along the way.

The next set of photos will show the piece grouted.

Thanks for looking dearest ones!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you all,

Random Tuesday is here again!!


# V
ery interesting!!! {I just love my "V"} I got it from She is offering free caps in all kinds of designs for our use. But it is for our personal use..not business or for sale. Anyway...what a hoot!!

It hasn't snowed here for over two weeks. Well, I take that back. It has snowed; but just flurries. So that doesn't count. But my driveway looks like a bomb went off in it. Mud everywhere!! My driveway is over 200 feet long and it was gravel. The operative word here is "was". My snowplow man got a little over zealous and scraped not only the snow, but most of my gravel as well. Leaving craters of mud here and there. How awful is that? The good news is he will come back and attempt to repair it but rearranging the gravel back. We shall see??!!

Valentine's weekend I ended up working on the mirror!! So much for romance! But I got that puppy done! So all I need to do is grout. I will show pics on another post!

I did get some presents in honor of this romantic weekend though. I received two bottles of perfume. One being Red Door which I love and the other is Exceptional. A new scent for me. I love it too. I am one that believes you wear your perfume every day! Don't wait for special occasions! Make every day special. So I smell good even when I am working in my studio. I love it!! So does my honey!

I have been battling a migraine all week! That has taken the joy out of working for me. It has become a chore and I don't like that. I so enjoy the process of making art!! So the migraine tried to take that joy from me. I used drugs!! LOL! I take Imitrex when I feel the migraine coming on. But sometimes that isn't enough. So I take Tylenol laced with codeine. That at least gives me some relief so I can work or sleep; which ever I need at the moment. But this thing won't release me. Every morning it is right now. So Imitrex again and we shall see how the day goes. Sniff! It hurts!!!!!

My honey is up for a promotion right now. We will hear in a couple weeks. It is a good move for him and I am so proud! So I have been praying for it to come to pass. He is thrilled that they have considered him for this new position. I am happy for him too. Now if they would just make up their minds!! Sheesh!! He is good....give it to him!!!!

Thanks for all the great comments about my "Silent Saturdays"! I guess it has become a regular feature and both my honey and I enjoy doing the photos. So I will continue it! Already have some great shots for this up and coming Saturday.

I will be going to Florida on the 20th! Woohoo! My honey has a conference and I decided to go with him. West Palm Beach! I am so excited! I haven't flown in so long! I know the security is gruesome but the good news is, I can fit into the seats! Since I have lost 124 pounds I fit now!! I have lost the need for a second seat! And since we are flying Southwest...well you know they would ask me to get off!!! I will!!

I am taking my laptop with I should be able to stay in touch! As long as the hotel as WiFi!! Which I am sure they do!

Well my dear ones! Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mind Wide Open ~ February

Here is my entry for the Mind Wide Open Challenge hosted by Gail Schmidt. Please check over there tomorrow and vote, vote, vote!! There are always such beautiful work done for this competition.
This is the first time I tried a digital piece.

Any who...thought I would share this piece!!
Thanks for stopping by and looking
Have a magical and blessed day!
Just heard this on another blog by my dear friend, EWain.

I really enjoyed it.

Hugging you

Sunday, February 14, 2010

And the winner is..................

Kim Mailhot from the Queen of Arts!! Stop by her delightful blog and wish her a hearty congrats for winning the Diane Duda Print from me. This is so exciting!!
Way to go girl!!! My husband literally drew your name from out of the hat!!
Get me your address girl. So I can mail this out to you!
Hugging you and blessings!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome to Bal Masque 2010

Hosted by Kittie Kellie at Artful Paper Doll!! Go visit to see a list of others involved in this fun occasion!!

Hope you all enjoy the Ball!!!!

Hugs and Love,

Silent Saturday! Part Three!!!!

These pictures were taken by my sweetie...Dr. John!!

Have a magical and blessed day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Whew!! Tuesday, February 9th! Amazing how time flies!! Last thing I clearly remember is Halloween (one of my fav holidays)! The rest is a blur!

Monday was a great day.....went into town (with blizzard warning fresh in my ears) and got a manicure and a pedicure. Blizzard warnings or not, a girl has to have pretty hands and feet! I mean....seriously!! Got the most gorgeous hearts put on my cool!

After the Nails Salon in Albuquerque, we went out to lunch at Christy Mae's. Best food ever! I got the chicken salad on croissant......yum! Chicken salad had grapes and nuts in it! OMG! TDF!!

By the time we got home (my friend Cheri and I) the streets were clear of snow and there were only flurries!! So much for the blizzard predicted. Hrrmmmph!!

Needed propane in my tank again! Got the bill and about fell over. $456.00! OMG!! I am totally ready for spring now! That is the second month in a row that my bill was over the $400 mark. Sheesh! At this rate, I will have to cut back on my nails! NOT!!

Well, it is not Valentine's Day yet; so I still have my Christmas tree up! Yeah!! Going for a record here. You should see the look of my housekeeper! LOL! You would think by now, they would be used to this. Sigh! I just love Christmas!

Oh! I got my glass glob tiles so now I can finish the mirror frame I have been working on. I can't wait to grout it. Of course, I will post pictures!

I haven't started on the fiber piece yet. Been so busy with so many things. Finished painting three baby dolls and rooted one of them. This is a preemie for my tattoo lady, Tammy. It is for her daughter. So I wanted to get this one finished.

Don't forget about my giveaway!! Go to that post and leave your comment! So I can put your name into the hat.

Have a magical and blessed day!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Yes it is giveaway time!! No, not the fire roaring in the fireplace. This is what I viewed yesterday while I watched the Super Bowl!! And yes; I rooted for the C0lts! And no, they didn't win! Oh well! The Saints played a good game. The late in the game interception was kind of the death blow. Poor Manning! He had such a great year!! Anyway! Back to the giveaway!!

In celebration of my 100th post! Woohoo! I am offering an 8 x 10 print by Diane Duda! Isn't it gorgeous! I just got three of her prints and this is one of them. I felt this was a good one to offer you!

What do you have to do? Well..........give me a standing ovation!! Clap your hands!! Send me hugs and kisses! LOL! Really all you need to do is leave a comment here on this post and I will enter your name into the hat. I will have the drawing on Valentine's Day. So you have plenty of time to enter.

Can you believe we are getting ready to celebrate Valentine's Day? Unbelievable!! There are a couple things I am involved with for that day here in blog land, so keep checking in.

Mosaic mirror is still on hold while I wait for those glass globs. And I am in the process of making a mock-up of the fiber piece I want to do for the Lawyers office. I will post pics of that when I am done.

You all have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you