
Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Work in Progress~~Day Two!!

Here is the piece after two days of working on it.  I must have pulled out every piece of material that I had last night!  LOL!!  Trying to find the right blue and red.  I have still not found the right red!
I did find some beads that were the right red.  But alas no material yet!  Sigh!  Blues I found!  In fact, I visited this morning (very early) and found two wonderful blues.  So I ordered them.

So this is the sample that I am taking in tomorrow to show them.  I hope it is enough to give them an idea of what I can do with this material.  They just have to imagine it much bigger!
I am going to mount the whole thing on canvas and also edge it.  Found some wonderful material to edge it with.
I sure hope they get excited and say, "Let's do it!!"
I deliver the mosaic mirror frame today.  To say that I am nervous is an understatement!  Wish me luck!!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. Wow...this art piece is going to be huge! I can't wait to see if all finished. It's so cool that your share the creation of your "real" art with all of us bloggers! It's facinating to watch your art come alive!

  2. so cool. its going to be beautiful when you finish it...

  3. Wow, it looks like it's hard work but I'm sure the outcome will be amazing. You're so artsy Sue :)

  4. Nice bling!

    They'll love the mirror - it's gorgeous :)

  5. i feel some amazing coming on!!

  6. wonderful! Looks like you are going to have a lot of fun!

  7. Love the colors, can't wait to see it finished.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Loving the colors, I await with excitement to see the finished project. I am sure the mirror will be a hit, take care. have a good weekend.

  9. I'd never heard of an embellishing machine. Now I want one:))
    It looks great! They'll love it!

  10. Love the colors! The red looks great at this end. I'm sure they will be thrilled with the mirror!

  11. ooh, that was my old screen name and image, it's me Just Jill!

  12. SueAnn I love the earth/sky tones! It's going to be beautiful and spiritual..I can feel it in the fabrics and materials that you are using. Beautiful!
    Your sculpture is totally awesome!
    Lots of love, Sharon

  13. SueAnn I love the earth/sky tones! It's going to be beautiful and spiritual..I can feel it in the fabrics and materials that you are using. Beautiful!
    Your sculpture is totally awesome!
    Lots of love, Sharon


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