
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good News!!!

More randomness.......

First, for those of you who have been following this fiber project....I wanted to tell you that I got the job!!  Woohoo!!!  Here is a pic of the prototype in the conference room at the lawyers' office.

The prototype fits perfectly with their color scheme and the flavor of the office.  The wall color is perfect.  So I will start the actual piece as soon as I can get the canvasses and set them up.  I will show pics along the way.

Another bit of information.  I entered one of my babies into a contest and I wanted to share some pics of her as well.

I kind of played around with the photo!!  Just can't seem to do anything straight.  LOL!!  Anyway...there she is.  So please wish me luck.  So far she has one whole vote. Sigh!!!  I have some stiff competition.

Thank you all for your well wishes...they worked!!!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. y i start at the bottom of my reader but saw your post....congrats that is awesome! knew they would love it. your babies are scary real...good luck with the contest.

  2. I am glad you got the job! The baby photos are amazing. What gorgeous work.

  3. Cudos on getting the contract for your artwork!!!

  4. Well, I had no doubt you would get the commission.

    but let me get this MADE that baby?

  5. Woohoo you! Congrats. :) And those babies are just incredibly real.. and beautiful.

  6. I am so glad you got the contract, it will be so exciting seeing it all done on the wall. and that baby doll, wow. Have a great week, I am so happy for you.

  7. congratulations on getting the job. The baby you made looks very real, there was a documentary about lifelike dolls called reality babies, is it one of those? xx

  8. Luck? You don't need no stinkin' luck.

    You are a genius, madame.

    You shall win.

    It is written in the stars.

    PS: Congrats and way to go for winning the fiber project. Knew you would.

  9. Where do we go to vote?? New music? Nice...

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Great news all around! Yeah you.


  12. congrats to you! and that close-up of the eyes is awesome!

  13. Congrats!!! So happy for you! The pictures by the way are Awesome too!!!

  14. Congratulations, SueAnn!
    And also good luck with the vote. The baby is beautiful!

  15. congratulations!
    looks excellent : )

  16. Oh my goodness, I've only been here a few times, and didn't realize at first that you did anything with dolls! It honestly took a moment to click on the first picture that I was viewing a doll, she's that life-like!

    That's absolutely amazing, and many congratulations on getting the job! I think they made a wise decision, and truly love that piece.

  17. Congrats with your job! Great fiber project and I love your Doll. Good luck with the contest, You are the best;o)

  18. Helloooooo SueAnn! How have your been? Great from the sound of your post! So happy that you got the job! I know that they will love the finished art piece. You are so talented. Speaking of which, your dolls continue to amaze me! They look so so real it's just unbelievable! I find it hard to believe that anyone could beat your baby! GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  19. so thrilled for you!!! The doll is amazing!!!!!

  20. Congrats on getting the gig SueAnn!

  21. congrats on the sale. that is a wonderful piece.

    cute baby too!

  22. When I saw the photo of the doll I thought it was a real baby at first. Wow I have never seen a doll like this up close- amazing. Best Wishes on the competition.


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