
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Eleven!

As I sit here this morning (it is 4AM), it is so quiet.  Just the hum of the computers and the sound of a gentle rain falling.  I was hoping to have a photo day outing, but the rain may keep me indoors.  But that is okay...I have plenty to do inside as well.  Enjoy the solitude and the rain....

The rain is still falling and I can almost hear the seeds and buds sigh in relief.  They have been waiting for this.  Now they can stretch their "toes" and grow into what He intended them to be.  Can you hear them sighing?  I sure can.

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. beautiful flowers and a beautiful thought of their sigh...rains not so bad. enjoy the symphony it plays on your windows...

  2. Great flowers!!! Love the "hidden" lady bug!!!!

  3. these flowers are gorgeous. WHAT a way to start the morning!!!!!!

  4. They are really beautiful, I hear them sigh and the rain a symphony...we need a good rain. enjoy your day. take care. hugs

  5. Beautiful photos!! I sometimes love a rainy day. ;)

  6. gorgeous shots! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend

  7. These flowers are outstanding. The first one especially left me feeling like a bee who had just died and gone to heaven.

  8. Nice flowers...are the first ones magnolias?

  9. Yuccas...I have some around here, but mine don't bloom...I'm going to have to find a way because these blooms are beautiful...

  10. The rain is still falling and I can almost hear the seeds and buds sigh in relief. They have been waiting for this.

    That's so pretty. But it's just not fair to be gifted with words AND the ability to create art and amazing photo images. Just not fair at all. Gimme some of that please.

  11. PS: I had to go back to look for the hidden ladybug. I found it!

  12. I see it! What a wonderfully peaceful post. I can't remember the last time I had a quiet morning to listen to the rain.

  13. Fabulous spring flowers. I could practically smell them.


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