
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Silent Saturday!! Part Nine ~ late!!

A romantic view of Alaska!!  Anchorage, Tracy and Juneau!!  This picture is of the Mendenhall Glacier.


Seals!  ( if you look close...LOL)


Hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane.  These were taken in 1986!!  Alaska was still pretty wild and rugged.  Took my mom and and cruise to all the ports and glaciers in Alaska.  We had a blast.

Have a magical and blessed Easter!
Hugging you


  1. Beautiful memories down your lane. Happy Easter...

  2. my dream vacation...someday!
    Happy Easter to you to!

  3. wow. these are gorgeous pics...i would love to visit alaska! happy easter friend!

  4. the planet is such an awesome place!

  5. Nice to cruise down memory lane with you. Fabulous shots!! I keep promising myself that I will make that trip one day ...

  6. Just beautiful!
    Happy Easter, my friend! : )

  7. Congratulations, you are the winner of the birds and butterflies give away at Fern Creek Cottage! Email me your address and I will get it out to you this week. You can find my email address on my profile. I hope you had a happy Easter!!

  8. These are gorgeous. The first one makes me think of a fabric sculpture!

  9. What a stunning place to have been able to visit.

    I hope your Easter was wonderful!

  10. Gorgeous! I hope you had a great weekend

  11. I've been there! Lived in Anchorage in 1974 for about two years. Those were beautiful sights weren't they? Couldn't believe in Juneau you can drive to the "end of the road". It was amazing. Take care, Happy Easter. Riki

  12. Mendenhall is the first glacier I saw when cruised through Alaska. It took my breath away. Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a great week,

  13. Beautiful pictures, Sue-Ann ! David and I have this trip on our list !
    Happy Monday.

  14. Hi SueAnn,,

    I was just here last summer and it looks pretty much the same. I love Alaksa and have new appreciation for the people who pioneered the area and for those who live there now.

    Say, I wonder if you could write something up for me about how thinking and believing yourself to be a queen has changed you and changed how those around you interact with you. I would like to post it on The Artful Paper Doll and feature you.

    Let me know or e-mail me to discuss.

    Wishing you a royally beautiful day! :)

    Hugs! =D

  15. Those photos are really magnificent - and make one think about their place in things. Thanks!

    Happy Easter!

  16. You did NOT take those photos. It's not fair!

    SueAnn, they are breathtaking. So so lovely. Everyone I know who has ever been to Alaska has adored their trip. I'm cold just thinking about it, but your photos show such a gorgeous landscape, maybe I'll bite the bullet get some long underwear and go!

    Cool music.

    Love ya hon. Great post.

  17. gorgeous photos even years later!

  18. Wow.. gorgeous photos. How lovely. And your work in progress sure is coming along!

  19. Wow, what a awesome site you have with Beautiful pictures and art! I found you through Brian's. Glad I did!! Following and will be back soon for more inspiration!!~ Coreen

  20. Wow, those are wonderful photos!
    Looks like a magnificent place
    : )

  21. The photos are just wonderful. someday I want to go up there. one day. Glad you were able to go with your Mom. Glad your Easter was well, Have a great week my friend.

  22. Beautiful photos! The song playing was very appropriate and nice to hear while I was looking at the beauty God created!


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