
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Thirteen!!

I will be taking you to the west side of Albuquerque.  This is an artful retaining wall and median on Unser Road.  Pictures taken by Dr. John!  Edited by me! 

Dr. John is a Geotechnical Engineer and took these pictures at a site he was inspecting.  I am so glad to see art being used in highway structures.  The median is filled with broken glass shards.  How cool is that!?!
Thought you would enjoy the tour!

And now for a spectacular sunset!!

Thank you ever so much for visiting and I hope you all have a magical and blessed weekend.  I am busy taking photos of two gorgeous prom girls!!

Hugging you


I have the distinct honor to tell you all that I am being roasted by Eddie Bluelights!!    Go here  to view the roast.  It was so much fun to do.  I hope you enjoy your visit there!!



  1. Crikey SueAnn! That's amazing stuff. First the wall, then the mosaic tile embellishments, then that cool jeweled lava crack down the middle of the median. I could live on that street... look up at that beautiful New Mexico blue sky, sigh, and feel all is right with the world.

    Oh... and come over for coffee.

    Off to read your Roast sweetie. Welcome to The Club!

  2. Girl.... quick! Your link to Eddie's page is broken.

  3. I love the broken glass... fab idea!

    ...and I read your roast too - Great one :0)

  4. Oh I love this! So glad to see art being incorporated in things like this. Maybe the US is finally waking up.

  5. The retaining wall is handsome indeed. The broken glass in the median divider is amazing. Artistic touch and recycling too. Great photos. I will head over to Eddie's blog for your roast.

  6. wow. love all the textures...and the whispy clouds in that oh so blue sky...marvelous shots!

    and nice roast today. smiles.


  7. I like it when they actually do something - decoratively / architecturally - with things that are otherwise just functional and cold -- like barrier walls.

    Very interesting : )

  8. Great shots and interesting features in the artwork. Problem is there is nowhere for the motorists to stop and admire it, or I don't think there is! The glass is really great unless someone drives on the central reservation! The tiles and the carvings are great too.

    Finally, I was delighted to have your interview featured on the Sunday Roast. Thank you for coming - hugs, Eddie

  9. I love that median strip with the glass. Now, if a car goes over that glass, do the tires pop?
    And congrats on your roast!

  10. Hi SueAnn-

    I love to travel and see the different things that I would not see in my own daily travels. I know highway departments try to make these barriers fit into the lanscape, but this is incredible - like art. Thanks for sharing the great photos with us.

  11. WOW! Amazing colors, and wonderful Art!

  12. Awesome! That is some interesting art along the motorway out there.

    Beautiful art in the median, too.

  13. You look positively radiant on your photos.
    Lovely to see these photos of an art way through the road, it looks lovely. Sure give a lot of drivers and passengers something great to look at while passing through.
    Hoping your having a great week, the best! A free without rules one,lol!



  14. Glad you posted those for us to see. It would be good if all cities made something creative out of all those retaining and noise walls.

  15. Great perspectives and what a colourful way to dress up the median. It add interesting textures and colours to the area.

    And a huge congrats for your fine roast over at Eddie's place. Nicely done, my friend. :)

  16. That was a great trip and I felt that I had travelled a long way with you!
    I like the art work along the sides of the motorway. I hope people won't get involved in accidents though...... trying to get a better view!
    Wonderful sunset...... slightly hazy feel to it!

    Nuts in May

  17. Hello, dear SueAnn!! Spectacular!! Sigh...I have highway Southwest! And your roast was incredible! Just so loved learning more about you...and you are such an authentic and lovely lady! I loved it! Love, Janine XO

  18. That is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen. What highway beauty!! Thanks so much for sharing.

  19. Great photos! I was born in Albuquerque, but was very very young when the fam moved back East. I'd love to see it someday. :)


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