
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Random Tuesday....Really?


Well it is time again for total randomness!  Make sure and visit The UnMom , Keeley!  She always has interesting tidbits.

As for me...well...we will see!!!

Went to my granddaughters' graduation Friday night!  Winds were 50 + MPH!!!  Talk about dust storms.  OMG!!   And the worst ever bad hair day!!! 

We originally planned a tail gate party for before.  But the wind made it hard to hang on to the sandwiches.  And the parking attendants insisted on parking cars all around us!  And extremely close!!!  We knew we would never get out!!  We found our seats and again...CONCRETE!  Numb butt alert!

Spent the weekend at LaQuinta.  They sure have comfortable beds and a great "free" breakfast!  But their coffee is the worst ever.  Thankfully, McD's is close!

We have a Toyota T-100 and we purchased her in 1994!!  She has 276,000 miles!  And runs like a champ.  So we took her in for her 220,000 mile check up and they went over her with a fine tooth comb.  Then we got the bill.......$1100.00!!  OMG!!  Cheaper than a new car...but still!!!!

Yesterday was pamper me day!  Well, morning as least.  I went into town and got a manicure and pedicure.  Ahhhh!  So relaxing!  When you get your pedicure, they put you in a massage chair and it automatically gives you a neck and back massage.  Talk about relax and be pampered.  This is it!!!

Spent the rest of the day working on the fiber sculpture.  Pictures tomorrow!!  It is looking good!

Can we talk about the oil spill...or should we say...OIL GUSHER!!  My heart is sick about it.  How could this happen?!  And no one can seem to figure out how to stop it!  The death and devastation will be catastrophic.  And all they can do is point fingers at each other!  WTH??!!  Come on government and BP...quit with the games and work together to get this thing stopped and cleaned up!  Seriously...!!!

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Well enough randomness for this Tuesday!  Have a magical and blessed day.  Pray for the clean up!!
Hugging you


  1. Beautiful nails there! I love mani/pedi's too but it is a luxury I can only afford a few times a year.

    Yes, very sad about the oil spill and I too wish they would just stop the bickering and get this mess cleaned up.

    Happy RTT!

  2. nice the colors...

    yeah, the oild spill makes me sick..and to see the arguing continuing without solutions...

    cant wait to see the pics!

  3. Pretty nails...crazy amount for repairs on your car I know it's cheaper but man....that's alot of change.

  4. So many things in this world that break my heart over and over again. Thank God for the life celebrations and beauties that help to balance things out.
    Here's to finding those magical and blessed moments and holding on tight.
    Cheers, my Friend !

  5. Maybe I should plan a pedi for my little mecation. Where can I find one of these massaging chairs?

    That graduation looks crazy. Can't imagine the dust.

  6. glad you got some pampering ~
    the oil thing is unthinkable. and yet it's a sad reality. I wonder if we will ever know the true long term consequences.

  7. From the pictures, it looks like the perfect location for a good dust storm...poor thing!

    LOVE the nails!!

    The oil spill really is sickening.

    Shocking Fence, Cuckoo's Nest, Spring Has Sprung

  8. Congrats to your grandchild, graduations are so uplifting. They kind of tell you that life is just starting for someone and the world is full of possibilities, doesn't it?

    The nails look fantastic, btw. Oh, and I'm going to get a trim soon, so that I can send my curls to help with the oil. I have not idea if that is going to really help, but hey, it feels good to try.

  9. We have a 1984 volvo that has about that many miles on it. interior looks like crap but that engine just would not quit. Two years ago when it stranded me for the third time in 6 months (engine good but all the other electrical stuff keeps wearing out) we finally retired it and bought a new truck.

    and how can you work with long nails like that? I have to keep mine short.

  10. Such lovely artwork on your nails. I must pamper myself too. :)

  11. Congratulations to your granddaughter on her graduation. I think I will be bringing a squishy pillow with me from now on whenever we have somewhere to to. Like you, it isn't clear what the seating situation will be. I fell a few years ago and broke my elbow and wrist and hurt my tail bone and shoulder. So sitting on a hard seat does not work for me even if I keep switching cheeks! So glad you had a nice bed to sleep in though. You should sleep in the beds at the hotel I worked at here in Nebraska, and it has the absolute best coffee ever! Seriously. Your manicure is pretty. How can you do all the art work and keep your hands so pretty? The oil is not like the Valdez spill, this is a damaged pipe leaking or gushing oil underwater and no one seems to know how to stop it now. The company who is responsible for maintaining the pipe and the different companies involved in the damage happening is just part of the ugly picture. We will be suffering the consequences of this and listening to the company bosses double talk for a long time more to come. Ugly. Ugly.

  12. Hi SueAnn, love the nails girl! I know, can't believe the oil spill, what an awful thing. It is hard to watch the news. We have to get that stopped. Congrats on your granddaughter's graduation. Bad storm, great accomplishment for her though! Hugs, Riki

  13. WOW. That is the best mileage I've ever heard. Totally badass.

  14. Winds so hard that the sandwiches blew right out of our hands. You must have made some pretty light sandwiches.

    We're getting to the point where repairs on our car are almost as much as a new one. That's what we get for paying off the car and not trading it in right away.

    Happy RTT!

  15. Oil spill...I read stories and look at the pictures with sort of a side-ways glance. It is impossibly horrific. Can NO ONE do anything? I read this a.m. that Kevin Costner may have an invention that can help. Who knew he's spent 15 years and $24m developing this. Fingers crossed. I am pleasantly surprised at McD's Americano. I cannot abide bad coffee, either. No excuse for it!

  16. Congrats to your grandchild.. and those are some fancy and pretty fingernails. The oil spill.. it breaks my heart.

  17. Love your Tuesdays, love your nails, the color is awesome. glad you pamper yourself. The oil spill is just horrible. They have to figure it out, my prayers that they do something soon. we had a small lake up here a few years ago, 5 years later it is still a disaster, and that was something they could contain, let alone in the ocean. It breaks my heart too. take care. I leave tomorrow, so be well hugs.

  18. I'm glad you had a pamper you day, that's always a nice, relaxing treat :-)

    That oil spill is so stunning, it's almost impossible to figure out what to say about it. It is beyond dreadful. What a horrible, horrible accident.

  19. don't even get me started on the oil spill, the destruction is unacceptable! and to find out they had 3 warnings before it happened...
    we can only pray for miracles

    I enjoy your random posts, and you made me chuckle with your numb bum comment, and the crazy winds, lol!

    thanks for stopping by my blog. So you manage to keep your sugar down to 10 grams, that's inspiring to me! Glad to hear you are cutting down on your diet soda, I don't drink it, and haven't for years, but my sister loves her diet pop. They truly are poison, I came across stuff on Youtube, pop is making people very ill. Good for you for cutting back :-)

    have a blessed day!

  20. Your nails in the photo looks really pretty. I have never had a manicure or pedicure done. But heck, I chew my fingernails so that would never happen to me anyways... sigh. Hope all is well =)


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