
Thursday, May 13, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Four

Well, it took me awhile to get to this point!  Waiting for paper to dry and building a couple of canvases that would hold this piece!  Plus,  not so patiently waiting for supplies to arrive.  With all that being said; I have been working on the parts and pieces of this rather large piece.

We start with a blank canvas.......and boy is it big and blank!!  Those faint of heart, turn away now!  Looking at this much canvas and knowing it is up to me to fill it is an awe-inspiring and somewhat frightening sight.  And this is only canvas number one.  Canvas number two is ready as well and sitting in the wings!!

As you can see...I built on to the end to make it a total of eight feet!  The discoloring you see there is from modeling paste to fill the seam.  You won't see that when it is all covered up.  Now to see the first strips of color finally going on.

The floral on the bottom is wool and comes from a large piece of fabric that the client used to cover some chairs in their lobby.  We thought incorporating it into the piece was a great idea.  The next piece is a cotton suede-like material.  I have sewn them together and attached them with a great sticky glue called, Yes.  It grabs and holds very well and won't allow the fabric to curl.  And when dry...permanent!  Oh and it dries clear too!  Love this stuff!  It comes in a tub.  Now for a close-up!

Well there you have it!  We have lift off!  Next is attaching one of three "tubes" made of Buckrum.  Buckrum is a stiff mesh material that is used when you want to make a stiff fabric shape.  They use this for hat making all the time.  These tubes will help me to undulate the material.  I want it to come off of the canvas and appear to be "waves" of color and texture.  Once I make the tube, I will stuff it with poly fill to help keep the rounded shape.  I will glue and sew it unto the canvas.

Hope you enjoyed the beginning process.  Thanks ever so much for stopping by!  I will make some fresh coffee so that we can sit and chat awhile.

Have a blessed and magical day!
Hugging you


  1. Another magical creation. Love the rich colours of this fabric. Wow, how huge! You brave lady!
    Sending loads of love!



  2. that is a rather big project....look forward to seeing where it goes from here...

  3. SueAnn honey! What a great start. The floral fabric looks like tapestry. Very lush and the addition of it in your piece makes it all the more customized and one of a kind.

    I wish I had one 1/1000th of the knowledge you have about such things. I would be overwhelmed just trying to envision how to create a piece of this magnitude.

    Have fun with it my friend. I know I will...

  4. I'm enjoying seeing the process. Where does the handmade paper come in? I guess I thought that was going to be the base.

  5. Seeing the different stages is fun. Almost like being there with you when you create something.

  6. I know nothing about this type of art so it is fun watching the whole process from beginning to end. You clearly love what you do.

  7. Sure is something. I love watching the process with your work.

  8. Thank you so much for your sweet comment about Levi. He is feeling much better today. :)
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. That is indeed overwhelming. I'll be checking on your progress, but I have a question in the meantime. How the heck are you gonna transport that thing when it's done?!

  10. Fun to watch the process. I'm looking forward to see how this turns out.


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