
Friday, June 25, 2010

It is time!!! The Tea Party has begun!!!

I hope you have marked your calendars because the Tea Party is here...that is right!!  TODAY!!!  Well I am a little early; but I couldn't resist.  So many goodies!!  Interesting guests!!  Could you delay?  I think not!  Someone has come to lead the way.  It is Terence, the canary and he is sitting in his special Tea Party swing!

He has been singing all morning!  And if you look very closely, you will see the key.  Oh boy!  We are ready to go!  Come on along!!  Through the garden....

Filled with such fragrant flowers and colors galore to delight the eyes.  Perfect for a garden party, don't you think?  And we have guests...

Sarah, our breast cancer survivor and wearing such a beautiful dress in shades of blue.  She is celebrating today for she has just finished her treatments and  so far has a clean bill of health.  We are all glad she could make the party!!  We celebrate with her!!!!  Oh we have another guest as well...

Princess Sylvia has come and she is already reaching for some goodies.  She is wearing shades of blue as well.  Must be the color of the season.  Princess Sylvia has a secret but she said I could share.  She is getting married soon to the Prince of France!!  They were pen pals for the longest time and met in person about one year ago.  It was love at first sight.  Now a festive wedding is planned and we are all invited.  Oh what a magical day this has become!!!!  And look at all the wonderful treats....

Oh my!!  I am drooling here!  I don't know which to try first???!!!  Princess Sylvia wants to start with some cupcakes and Sarah wants to cut into the cake.  I think Sarah should go first, don't you??  Oh!  Lest I forget!!  There are some other guests who couldn't quite make it today.  They will be so disappointed for they so planned on being here!

But as you can see, they haven't hatched yet.  Hehehehe!!!  And we have more friends who are just now arriving!!

Lady Primrose is peering through the Looking Glass and tiny Tina has brought us some flowers and some wine.  How sweet of her.  I hope Lady Primrose can drag herself away to come to the Tea Party and partake of some tea and cake!!??!!

With all the festivities, I forgot to give you our hostesses address.  Vanessa at Fanciful Twist has outdone herself again.  She is having this blog-wide party and her party alone is worth a visit!!  A treat for all your senses.  And there you will find a list of other parties to attend.  Oh you must go!  This is just too much fun!!

Have I forgotten anyone?  Oh I hope not!  That would be so sad.  I leave you so that I may attend some other parties.  And I don't want to be late!  All the tea and cakes will be eaten and that would be a tragedy for sure!!!

Thanks ever so much for coming by and please leave a note.  We so much would love to hear from you.
Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. What a fun concept, SueAnn!! And you have done a fantastic job with your post! I can feel your excitement and enthusiasm...and your photos are lovely!! I especially love the flowers and tea definitely had ME drooling! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend! Love, Janine XO

  2. what a whimsical and fun post!! Loved it!!!

  3. Oh this was such a cute and fun post, so enjoyed reading it.
    Have a wonderful weekend...:-)Hugs

  4. Oh! What a grand party! Looks like of fun. Very very cheery shots.

  5. I remember when parties such as these were given in blogland. Glad to see they are starting once again.

  6. What an enchanting Mad tea Party!
    Love, love, love your shadowbox!

    Thanks so much for having us - please drop by for a visit when you can!

  7. You did a great job with this tea party! I'll be right there!

  8. Hello Ms. SueAnn,

    Your party is delightful. The flowers are beautiful, the treats look mouthwatering and your guests truly have reason to celebrate. Congratulations to both on their big news.

    Just want to give you heartfelt thanks for your support. It is very much appreciated. Please give yourself a hug from me. ;)

    Wishing you the best tea party day ever!

    ~"Kitty" Kellie

  9. ~*~*~*Hip hip hurray it's Tea Party Day!*~*~*~

    Such magical guests and beautiful flowers!

    Thanks for having me at your tea party! if you haven't been already, you're cordially invited to my mad tea party! Have yourself a mad sort of day! :)

  10. A delicious tea party. Each image is a delight, a feast for the eye and the imagination! I love this rich diet!

  11. My favorite kinds of sweets! Those that only look like they could be fattening! I am so glad Sam and I could come over for tea!

  12. Ooooooooo I love your little feltie goodies ♥♥♥ Ever so sweet. Actually, me thinks I like all your artwork! Do come visit my Bad Alice.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  13. What fun... I love all your pictures.
    Thank-You for having me to Tea.

  14. What wonderful treats!!! and wonderful tea party...Thank you

  15. What beautiful creations! Thank you for inviting me to your fantastic tea party. I enjoyed visiting with you today. Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  16. Hi SueAnn, what a lovely party, I loved visiting. It was such a treat. Come visit my party! Hugs, Riki

  17. Hugs and commendation to our beautiful breast cancer survivor! I want to join the party tea, but I must say that most of those cake won't survive!

    Hugs and kisses for the tea party hostess!

  18. Thanks for having me to your delightful tea party! Those treats are adorable!

    Happy Tea Partying!

  19. What a truly wonderful party you've given! loved every second, Best wishes to the couple!!!!

    Thanks for having me to tea!!!

    Please accept my invitation to tea at

    julie ann shahin
    Mad Tea Party 2010

  20. Hello Sue-Ann,

    really colorful flowers but your Sarah is a special beauty !

    greetings from belgium
    feel welcome at my party : I have a blog give away...

  21. I was so happy to attend your cheerful tea, you photographed it so lovely!!

  22. SueAnn,
    What a wonderful tea party! Every thing was delicious! I enjoyed being the princess!!!! Please come by my Tea party when you get a moment!We would love to see you there!
    Kind regards,

  23. This was so much fun! And all you guests were simply delightful, especially charming Sarah in her diaphanous skirt and pointed ears and the blue floral caterpillar. (I'm sorry, I didnt get her name?)

    Next year, though, I shall arrive with something blue for Tiny Tina to wear. After all, a girl needs a special dress for a tea party and not just a bouquet of yellow flowers. It's just a little too reminescent of what Adam's Eve wore to her first party - fig leaf, you know - and a lady never attempts to copy another lady's attire.

  24. Just here to wish you a beautiful Monday, dear SueAnn...Love you much!! Janine XO

  25. Excuse me for being so fashionably late...I hope you will not be irate. Your tea party was fun - it shined like the sun! If you have not already done so, I'd be honored if you would sit a spell with me~for tea...
    Sincerely, Theresa (aka The White Queen)

  26. Wonderful bright and colourful images thank you for the invite. You are of course invited to take Tea with me and join my Giveaway.

  27. So lovely! I am very full after leaving this blog! I think I ate every treat on the page!

  28. You have the bestest sweets every. Oh those colors. Your photography skills are very apparent. Nicely done visuals. I am so 'there' and thanks for inviting me and saving me a piece of the chocolate all time favorite. Love the post. Creative hugs from Norma

  29. Sue Ann! This is the perfect party, and I love the fact that Sarah is not just a survivor but an overcomer! Yea! What a special party. And the wedding with Princess Sylvia and the Prince of France sounds like fun. Thank you for your invitation.

    I loved your tea!


    Sheila :-)

  30. What a delightful party! And congratulations to Sarah, too. :) I am still making my rounds; so glad I stopped by.

  31. SueAnn, you strike me as one of those people who is never bored, and that is very much intended as a compliment.

    What a wonderfully colorful, imaginative post.

    Thanks for sharing your rich imagination, it's a delight and a true treat.

    Six impossible things before breakfast, and all that!

  32. What a delightful post!
    You have a wonderful imagination Felt like a little fairy just visiting a wonderful banquet!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  33. How cute it all is. The treats look amazing! Thanks for stopping by.

  34. Such a lovely post with so many yummy-looking sweets!

    Thank you so much for inviting me to your tea and for attending mine as well!

    Wishing you a wonderful evening,


  35. I love this post! you should write children's books, I swear!

  36. Oh such a lovely time I have had here today...the flowers are beautiful! Thankyou so much for having me x

  37. Thank you so much for having me over to tea! Loved your colorful photos!

  38. Lovely cakes and pictures, i ha d a lovely time visiting you!

  39. Sorry I'm late! Someone once told me it was fashionable, but I'm afraid I've missed all of the fun. This was such a cute post SueAnn!


I would love to hear from you!!!