
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Twenty

Dr. John and my granddaughter, Georgia Rose visited the Sandia Crest!!  Here are some of the pictures that they took.  Nice work too!!

As you can see; they had quite the time of it!!  Hope you enjoyed the tour of the Crest.  It is part of the beautiful Rocky Mountains.  Ten minutes from my house!!  What a view!!

Have a wonderful Fathers' Day weekend!!

May it be magical and blessed!!
Hugging you


  1. oh wow...some great those mountains...and the one of the viewing station is really cool as well...have a marvelous weekend!

  2. Really lovely view and nice pictures of their jaunt.

  3. Thank you for sharing, great to have being there;o)

  4. It is such a beautiful and diverse world around us. Thank you for sharing the pictures of some of the beauty near you.

    I particularly like the picture of a the seated hummingbird. Doesn't he (she?) look almost ungainly when still? A head almost the size of his (her?) body and yet, when it motion, they are the most beautifully graceful creatures. They make you think the word "hover" is the loveliest all of all words.

    There he is, looking like he ought to have a name like "Fred", keeping his startling grace a secret, if even for just a moment. Great shot.

  5. Magnificent mountains and delicate flowers. A beautiful mixture.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  6. WOW, 10 minutes from your house, very cool. I love it, soooo beautiful. The hummer feeder is great too SueAnn. Big hug, Riki

  7. Ten minutes from your house????!?!? Seriously? No wonder you are such a heavenly gal... you LIVE in heaven.

    Wow. I love the flowers, but that rock ridge and cool arcing rock formation (cliff thingy?) is simply breathtaking. Thank you so much for sharing these photos with us SueAnn!

    PS: The Phantom of the Opera music came up with the post. Great pairing!

  8. Such pretty pictures! Thanks for taking us on this lovely hike!

  9. Such beauty in this world ! How lucky to have those expanses so close to home.
    Happy Sunday evening, Lovely Sue-Ann !

  10. Oh WOW!! Beautiful pictures! and lucky you living there!!

  11. I like the purple flowers with aperture adjusted. i wonder if this was intentional or if your camera just did it for you. Nice shots either way.

  12. Great job indeed! I love the heading, and wow their timing couldn't have been better on the pic of the bird in flight. Amazing!

    Midsummer hugs!

  13. Very beautiful. I especially love the dutch iris. The color - lovely.

    Thanks for joining me. I look forward to getting to know you better.

  14. Oh, I love these!!! So gorgeous!!! Breathtaking views!!! And those irises are divine!!! Love them. You are always such an inspiration, dear SueAnn!!! Love you! Janine XO

  15. I am back for another look at these impressive photos. Thank you.

  16. Such pretty pictures, Sue Ann. How wonderful to have something take your breath away that's only 10 minutes from your house.

  17. Beautiful place and its pics, lovely summery shots.

  18. Breathtaking!

    I LOOOVE the one of the little butterfly on the daffodil. You Do live in paradise!

    And, Land of Shimp, I so hate to disagree with you, but...the hummingbird does NOT look like a Fred. Believe me, I know a Fred when I see one, and a "startling grace," secret or not, is NOT one of Fred's attributes!

  19. Your family is as talented with the camera as you are. Fantastic place, fantastic photographs. Thank you.

  20. SueAnn ~ these are incredible pictures, you transported me to beauty , thank you..
    and I'm jealous that you live so near to this !

    thanks for checking in on me, and the well wishes for my mishap.

    love your randomness, your artistic spirit, and the joy oozing from your posts.

    have a great love filled day.

  21. What an incredible place, Sue Ann! And 10 minutes from your home!!! Fantastic!
    Thanks for sharing.

  22. Oh stunning photography. What a view!


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