
Thursday, June 3, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Seven

Well it has been a long week and a hot one at that.  Which I am thrilled about, by the way.  I love love love the summer.  Sunshine and blue blue skies...temperatures in the high 80's...wonderful!!

Another sheet of handmade paper drying in the sun!!

And now the piece as it stands now...both tubes are covered; including the ends.  I love the color combinations.  I am making the next series of tubes now!  The handmade paper goes on next.  Just so you know.

I left this one full sized so you could see how it sits in my studio.  Big huh?!!!

My 14 year old granddaughter, Georgia Rose, is coming to help me so I can get all the tubes sewed on.  I need someone to stand in the back of the canvas and help me push the needle back through.  She is so excited that she will be my art assistant.

Canvas number two is assembled and ready to go!  So it is just a matter of attaching the handmade paper and the tubes and some finishing stuff.  More pictures to follow!  I will include my assistant of course!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!
Hugging you


  1. what an undertaking!!

    love the colours.
    and that you let your granddaughter help speaks well of you as a person.

  2. Wow, I had no idea how big these were! Very cool.

  3. You are amazing! Looking forward to more progress!

  4. looking good! have fun with your little helper...smiles.

  5. I just can't comprehend the gigantic scale of this project... and the matching panel yet to be constructed. How do you stay excited about a piece when it is an endless project?

    Again, I bow to you, my queen.

    Your finished piece is going to be gorgeous!

  6. This is gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

  7. Amazing work!! Love the angled shots from the side. Are these commissioned pieces? Or how do you sell them? Or do you sell them? Perhaps you keep them for yourself!

  8. Highs in the high 80's? I could handle that. It's probably not humid either. It's supposed to be near 100 here this weekend. YUK! Your tapestry is looking amazing. And yes, it is huge! LOVE the colors!

  9. Wow, this is so cool. Thanks for sharing the photos. I envy your sun & dry weather!!

  10. Making your own paper and incorporating cloth into your canvas is so eye catching. I am looking forward to seeing your next step and your granddaughter.

  11. This is so interesting. I'm loving seeing the process.

  12. SueAnn, this is just SPECTACULAR!! The colors, the texture and the proportions are incredible!! Just fantastic. I love it!!
    Wow! I'm bowled over.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  13. Being an art assistant is very exciting! I hope you and your granddaughter have a fabulous time together working on this masterpiece!

  14. Very cool SueAnn. Can't wait to see it finished. Love the colors and textures. Thanks for coming by. My fingers are crossed for you to win my box!! Hugs, Riki

  15. What a process. An amazing and colourful project.. looking forward to more.

  16. Lookin' good!! Hope you and your grandaughter have fun together!

  17. I love the colours too! It must be so much fun to have someone to work with in your family. Can't wait to see the latest pictures!

  18. That is about the coolest thing I've seen in a long time! :)



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