
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Silent Saturday ~ Part Twenty three

I am now up to three miles a day!! I thought today would be a good day to share the scenery that I see while on my walk!

Shall we begin!!??!!

Early morning...just waking up!!  Ha!

Up the first hill we go!

Now we walk towards the mountains!

This is horse country here!  Isn't it beautiful?

Next couple of hills!!!  Come on now!  You can do it!!!

This is called South Mountain!  It is the southern most mountain of the Golden Mountains!!

What a view!!

Head towards another mountain range!!  The Cerrillos Mountains!

Dr. John came with me on this trip!!  He took pics of wildflowers on the way.  I will show those next week!

Almost there!!

Home sweet home!!  Ahhh!  Refreshing; no??  So glad you could walk with me today! 

Have a blessed and magical weekend!!
Hugging you

Ps. Thanks to Funky Junk Interiors...see some amazing work HERE!!


  1. wow. beautiful walk...loved the pics...i could come here and just look at the pics and listen to the music...smiles.

  2. OH, what a nice surprise that you took us along today! Your views are to die for lovely. I miss the open, blue skies we had when we lived in Arizona. We get them in October here in Virginia but the summer skies are mostly filled with humidity which dull the blueness.

    Congrats on your 3 miles a day. My hills are much steeper looking than yours since we are smack dab in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains but today's walk went well, except for this humidity which is kicking my patootie!!


  3. 3 miles and enjoying that beautiful scenery! You lucky, lucky one!

    And Ellen is right, that sky looks like you painted it yourself. It's purrrfect!

    Many hugs ;-)

  4. Loved the walk, Good for you for three miles. It nice you go for walks together, I would walk with such beautiful scenery. take care have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks for taking us along. YOu live in a beautiful part of the world. This so reminds me of my Mom's neighborhood when she used to take walks.

  6. Do people ride bikes on this walkway? We have trails here that are for walkers, joggers, online skaters, bikers. I would ride my bike on your trail. But walking is nice because you get to take more in and see things you may miss going so fast on the bike.

  7. How lovely! I was there with you and Doctor J every step (huff puff) of the way.

    Good on you! Three miles is no cake walk darlin. You are an inspiration!

    Much love!

  8. What a beautiful place to set out on a walk...

  9. It was lovely to walk that walk with you. I love to see other people's surroundings.
    Lovely blue mountains!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  10. I love that you took us on your walk with you!. I also love that you don't have to constantly dodge any cars on your walk.

  11. Such a beautiful place where you live.....glorious walk and to have H join you is another blessing.. I think it is wonderful that you walk each day......:-) Hugs

  12. What a beautiful area you live in. Brings back memories of a trip my wife and I took to your beautiful state, and I swear I was like a little kid as we drove for days, pointing at the next more beautiful view we came upon. Those open spaces leading up to the mountains, gorgeous.

  13. # Miles ! How great, SueAnn ! You are awesome !
    That scenery must help the walk fly by and be a pleasure too. I am feeling inspired...
    Happy Sunday !

  14. I adored my walk! I love wide open spaces and long, wonderful roads.

    I am pooped after our walk. May I have my snack now, please?

  15. That looks lovely & peaceful. Hopefully everything is well
    : )

  16. Thanks for the lovely walk and gorgeous scenery! I think I need a glass of lemonade after that!


  17. I am huffing and a puffing and I don't smoke.. !
    just "unconditioned.."! LOL

  18. ooo my what a way to start the day!! your photos are beautiful, sue ann! a gorgeous place to live and walk...

  19. The open blue sky is amazing! So glad to join you on your walk!

  20. Hi! I just noticed that you posted on my blog something about POTW, would you mind filling me in on what that means? I am kind of confused. If you have time and could let me know my e-mail is Thanks for your help.
    PS your pictures are wonderful!

  21. Utterly stunning. Id take that walk!

  22. the skies.
    oh the skies.
    I've been to Arizona twice and the vistas are stunning beyond belief.

    good for you doing this walk,
    loss of food calories, food for the soul ~ perfect!


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