
Thursday, July 22, 2010

WIP ~ Fiber Sculpture ~ Day Sixteen

What a fabulous day today is!!  Sunshine and cooler temps.  Only up to 90 today!  Ha!  And I had a super day in the studio!

I have been adding natural elements to the fiber sculpture and I wanted to share the process with you.  First placement.....

Placement seems static and lacks movement throughout the piece.  So...placement number two...

Much more movement throughout!  I like this placement better.  I will have to let it sit over night and check it in the morning and see if I still feel the same way.

Have much more elements to add so stay tuned.  It will be changing by leaps and bounds now!!  This part is the exciting part!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Have a magical and blessed day/evening!
Hugging you


  1. Yes, the second placement is better. I really liking this.

  2. love it! and yes the second...these are what make it all you...smiles.

  3. This project is coming along beautifully!!! So glad you're sharing it!!!

  4. I was drawn into this by the heavily pattered fabric you've used near the bottom. Can't wait to see how it ultimately turns out.

  5. I love the colours you mix. My favourites.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  6. Fascinating. Always most fun to see other's creativity. What brings them joy. Such a site you have here.

  7. Your colors are a heavenly sunset.


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