
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Random Tuesday....I'm just saying!!!!

Just had to show of this spectacular sunset.  That cloud was really glowing.  As if it were lit from the inside!  So awesome!!

Well I bragged on the fabulous vacation we were going on!!  Notice I said "were"!!!  Dr. John has been so busy...well he is just physically and mentally tired out.  So all that driving was not turning him on.  And the expense was more than we could handle right now.  So....we decided on a Stacation instead!!  Playing around with our garden (which is non-existent right now) and relaxing in the late summer sun!  That is what we will do!  Relax!  Both of us have been pretty busy so we will chill for three weeks!  Starting September 2nd! 

There is the Southwest Home and Remodeling Show to go too!!

There is the New Mexico State Fair as well!!!

And of course...FOOD...FLEA MARKET..FUN!!!  A place where you can eat your way through it.  But I can't do that much anymore.  Ha!  But I will try anyway!!  Caramel apples here I come!!!

Then we can go to Santa Fe and see all the shops and restaurants!  It is only 40 minutes north of us!  And I need some clothes!!!!

Fun place to go and visit!  So Southwest and great shops!  We might even stay at a bed and breakfast and spend the weekend!!!  That would be cool!  Of course I will take lots of pics and share!!!

Then there is my outdoor hottub room!!  We definitely will spend time out there...soaking...laying out in the sun...reading books and magazines and snacking!!  A must on any stacation!!!

Ha!  Looks like our tub but who the heck are they?  Actually I couldn't find a pic of our tub so I got one from the net.  LOL!!  You get the idea!?!

So we will have plenty to do and the actual time allotted to enjoy ourselves!  I will take pics along the way and keep you all posted.  I am so looking forward to this!  So is Dr. John!!!

Still holding at 155 lbs. lost so far!!  Here is a pic of me taken three years ago.

Here is one taken just this past weekend!!

Can you tell the difference?  I am still rather chesty!!  Ha!!!  But definitely lots smaller!!  And I had to shamelessly plug my fiber sculpture...which is now installed!!  Woohoo!  And Bob wasn't there to see it put up.  He say it later on Saturday.  He called and says he LOOOVES the piece!!  I am so thrilled.  We are getting together today so I can get paid.   LOL!!  And talk about marketing this piece and maybe adding some more of my work to his office!!  That would be so cool!!

I am now going to try to put my studio back together!  That is going to be a huge task!  Everything has been moved around and piled high!  Plus I have all this handmade paper to store??  Not to mention all the fabric left over!!  Oh dear!  Guess I need a new project...preferably a LARGE one again!  Got to work on my portfolio and get my work out there!!  It isn't quite my cup of just want to work!! 

Yesterday I got a manicure and a pedicure and it was so relaxing.  Dr. John met me there and we walked over to The Salad Bowl for dinner.  I got the Napa Valley Salad Bowl....cranberries, walnuts, almonds, spinach, leaf lettuce, grilled chicken, bleu cheese crumbles, celery and green chili ranch dressing!  Oh my!  It was delish!  Dr. John got the Popeye Salad...spinach, leaf lettuce, mushrooms, grilled chicken, almonds, baby corn, celery, with oriental balsamic dressing.  Also, yummy!!!  I had half left over so I have lunch for today! 

I think I have Randomed you enough...yes?  Don't forget to stop of at The Un Mom and visit Keely!  She always has wonderful Randomness and many join her in this adventure.  Makes for some fun reads for sure!  Me?  Well I have to get ready for my walk!  Working up to 5 miles now!  80 pounds to lose!!  So I have miles to go!!  Ha!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you,


  1. Great RTT!! It was great to read yours! A 5 mile walk??! Gosh! I can barely handle 1/2 a mile!!

  2. You look great! (Even when not compared to 3 years ago. (^v^) )

    A staycation... that's exactly what is coming up for us as well. We had planned on going to Turkey, but now money is rather tight (miscalculations), and since we hadn't booked anything... we'll simply stay at home. Maybe go on excursions once or twice, to zoos or for long walks. And I have to study for new exciting adventures anyway, polishing my Dutch and French and English and maybe even German... vacations are overrated anyway. *duh*

  3. I am so impressed with you weight loss each time you write about it. YOu are to be congratulated big time. I just love the cloud photo. It is good enough for a poster!!!

  4. Oh my gosh..I'm so proud of you!! You look wonderful friend! I'm sure your client DID love that magnificent artpiece! Who wouldn't?? I'm in AWE of you my dear!

  5. Your randomness is interesting and I like the photos. You certainly do look different from then and now. Wow.

  6. Sounds like a great way to spend a stacation...and you piece looks fabulous...congratulations!!!

  7. Those are fabulous pictures! Staycations are lots of fun and often more relaxing! Enjoy! You look fabulous. Keep it up.

  8. You look amazing!

    And sometimes, Staycations are just what the doctor orders.

  9. I am suppose to walk 5 miles a day, but am not even close to it. You look your discipline.
    Enjoyed this post very much especially the pictures of the clouds......:-) Hugs

  10. So glad you announced your installation, I really enjoyed seeing it, I might I have missed it and your blog otherwise. Your cloud photo was great. That's one of those things I like about this time of year in Eastern WA, the weather gets changeable and the clouds do marvelous things. You are really working your life, you go girl.

  11. fun randomness...sounds like you have lots to keep you busy on teh staycation...time in the hot tub...oh yes...smiles. your weigh loss looks fabulous! nice job!

  12. Yeah....... you can definitely tell the difference.

    Your photos are really great.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  13. Random, but positive and fun too! Congrats on the weight loss! What an accomplishment.

  14. You look fabulous! I so admire you.

    My studio is always a wreak after a big project. And that the first thing I do after I get it delivered, clean up the studio.

  15. the sky picture is beyond.

    do enjoy your staycation, I think it's good to get out an d appreciate where we live sometimes.
    I can't believe the endeavour to install your piece.
    I didn't realize how huge it was. congratulations in this.

    and you look so radiant. how you must feel so so proud of yourself. hugs to you .

  16. A gorgeous post. I love the beauty of the world as YOU see it!

  17. Looking good, SueAnn! Those salads do sound delicious!! Wish we had a place like that around here!

  18. Oh I understand, Sue Ann... marketing isn't for me at all, too ;)) I just need to be creative and work. You look wonderful in that picture!! Whooo hoooo!!!! You were very strong and good to lose all that weight. I have lost my 33 lbs and after one year or so I feel great (I must add for clarity that THIS is my normal weight, I had gained too much due to stress :(((((().
    Thanks for your uplifting message, you're one kind and nice soul. Thank you.

  19. You look wonderful as does your fiber sculpture installed ! Definite WOWS !
    A stacation sounds good, especially with all those treats to visit right close by. You really should stay at a bed and breakfast if you can though - a little bit of a new environment can make life feel even sweeter I think.
    Happy Wednesday !

  20. You look great! Your staycation sounds fun & that sunset pic is amazing.

    I tagged you for a little meme on my blog if you'd like to play along.

    Hugs & love

  21. SueAnn you are looking gorgeous! keep it up girl!
    About that installation of yours, all I can say is WOW! I just read the previous post and saw the awesome pictures, it is amazing!

    I like staycations, as long as you can get some day trips out of it. Sometimes it's nice to just relax, and truly enjoy the summer, rather than rushing around, trying to do and see so much on your vacation. Whatever you choose to do, have fun!

    oh, and the music that came on when I started reading your blog was so magical! I recognized it from the move Edward Scissorhands.
    thanks for stopping by my blog!

  22. Your sunset blows me away. I can't quite take it in. Thanks for this, friend.

  23. You are doing a wonderful job with your health. I need to tell you once again, how much you inspire me. I am still waiting for the day I can get up early and walk ONE MILE! MAYBE TOMORROW?
    Hugs, Thank you for being here for us..
    Darlene xo

  24. SueAnn, you look five years younger in that more recent photo! Kudos.
    And the staycation sounds great. Just don't get in the hot tub with those strangers:)

  25. I agree with Debbie, you look younger too :)

  26. Oh excellent! You're so inspiring in so many ways.

  27. SueAnn... the canvases are WONDERFUL and so are you... To have lost all that weight. I am in complete awe of you, and you look so pretty. :-)

  28. you look great and I LOVE the piece! Our airport showcased fiber sculptures a few years ago, and I've been hooked ever since.

    Enjoy your staycation!

  29. Interesting randoms. Great shots.


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