
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Random Tuesday....I stand corrected!!!

Yes!  I do stand corrected as well as other art scholars!!  Color can be the subject matter; especially if it is glorious fall!!

See what I mean?  Wow!!  Went hiking up at Fourth of July Canyon and it is so awesome.  I have tons more pics; but I will share them later!!

Added to the Fall/Halloween tree!  Had to share!!

Still hard at work on babies!!  Have a mini show this Thursday!  Yikes!  But it sounds fun.  She calls it, Sip and Chat!  Starts at 4PM.  There are only 6 vendors and she provides wine, cheese and desserts.  Oops!  I just remembered!  I need to bring something to share!  Sheesh! are the newest babes!
Warning!  For the strong of heart and mind only!!!!!

The pale one will be  red-head!  The other one I haven't decided yet...most likely a brunette.  Maybe dark brown?  Anyway, I doubt I get these ready by Thursday; but we will see.

I forgot to draw a name for the giveaway!  Oops!  I don't like being too busy and I am right now.  I will draw the name tomorrow and post the winner!  That print is so fabulous...can't wait to see who will win!  I know!  You can't either!  Sorry!!!!

I have some fabulous news!  We are so excited here and doing the happy dance.  Dr. John has been working on a book over the past year.  It is about Geotechnical Engineering, of course!  Anyway....he submitted it to John Wiley and Sons and they love it and are going to publish it!!!  PUBLISH IT!!!!  Woot!!  Woot!! 

John Wiley & Sons

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John Wiley & Sons
John Wiley & Sons
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Founded 1807, New York City
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc., also referred to as Wiley, (NYSEJWA) is a global publishing company that specializes in academic publishing and markets its products to professionals and consumers, students and instructors in higher education, and researchers and practitioners in scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly fields. The company produces books, journals, and encyclopedias, in print and electronically, as well as online products and services, training materials, and educational materials for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students

So cool!  Dr. John has a lot of work yet to do on this book.  His deadline is March 31st.  And we are so thrilled.  I am busting with pride for him!  Good work, Dr. John!!!!!!  Love you!!!

I finally got my suitcase unpacked and the laundry done from my trip to Ohio.  Boy does that take some effort.  Why is that??  Plus, I brought back more than I took!!  Sigh!  Mom kept saying, "Oh!  You must take this!"  Geez Mom!!  Anyway, the suitcase is now put away and I am ready for the next trip. 

There are several places I would like to go next year.  Paris in the spring!  Las Vegas and take a class with Jack Johnson.  On that trip, I would take my two granddaughters, Emma and Georgia.  We would take a class on sculpting clay babies!  Sounds to fun!!  Then I would like to go to Corpus Christi, Texas and spend a couple of weeks on the beach.  It has been years since I have seen a decent sized body of water.  Add a beach to that and I am in heaven.

Sigh!  Be still my heart!  And Paris in the spring!!??

And of course, last but not least...Las Vegas!!!

The city of neon lights!!  I don't think the girls have ever been it will be so cool for them and for me!  Plus, we will be in a class teaching sculpture as well.  What fun!!

I guess I have Randomed you all enough.  Don't forget to stop by and visit The UnMom and see the Randomizing that goes on over there and all over blogdom!! 

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. Many congratulations to Dr. John! I can't in good faith say I'll read his book... but I'm sure many other people will! Ally

  2. congrats to dr john....loving all the pics....your halloween tree, smiles....and the pics of the places...ahh..i would love to visit as well...

  3. Congrats to Dr. John !!! Such a talented couple !
    Love the dream trips ! Just imagining it is half the fun !
    Happy Tuesday, Sue Ann !

  4. Congratulations to Dr. John! Very cool. I can tell how proud you are of him. :) Love your fall photo's and of course a very cute halloween tree you have...and all these wonderful fun it would be to visit dream is to take my oldest granddaughter on a trip sometime in the next few years while she is still young.

    Hope your Tuesday is terrific! XX

  5. Boy do you have stuff going on...a baby show...a book to ready for on all...

  6. Congratulations to Dr. John....those new babies are going to be very cute, take care, have a great week.

  7. I love the colors. I think I'm stealing the second pic for my wallpaper; I just love the contrast.

    I understand busy, but I have a feeling you'll make it, even if the baby look a little scary right now.

    And about the good Dr. I'm bursting with pride for him and I don't even love him, at least not that way ;-) How wonderful for the Dr. and for you.

  8. Your amazing fall shots capture exactly the reasons I love fall so much! :)

    CONGRATS to Dr. John! How exciting!

    Can I go on your trips with you, please? :)

    RTT: Costume Decision, Ship's Bell and HDTV

  9. First off CONGRATS to Dr. John! That's some accomplishment! And secondly, you have a very ambitious schedule there, my dear! Hope you get to do it all!

  10. That sky is so intense especially next to those yellows, oranges and reds.

    Congrats on the book deal.

    Corpus does have some fabulous beaches. We go to Matagorda which is more east of Corpus.

    Good luck with your mini-show.

  11. Beautiful images.. autumn sure is camera-friendly this year. A big congrats to your Dr. John for his book deal. That's wonderful news!

  12. Yes, congrats to Dr. John too!

    I love all the beautiful pictures! The 'babies' still freak me out a little because the 'parts' are so real looking.. but when the pieces are not put together... well.. lol Great job, SueAnn!!!

    Have a Great day!

  13. Thanks for sharing your life and Art, It was great to look here again;o)

  14. I LOVE the colours of fall! Grate capture!

    Halloween tree? Is it custom? Just asking as Halloween is not a tradition here in Norway... Always fun to get a gimps of other peoples celebration/tradition.

    Congratulation on getting published to Dr. John



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