
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-Four!!!

A little know place, south of Albuquerque is Elephant Butte, New Mexico.  A beautiful place for sure.  This is one of the reservoirs in the state.  The dam itself is a wonderful enjoy the tour!!!

A wonderful place to go year around and in the spring through the fall...boating!!  Fun times!!

Have a magical and blessed weekend!!
Hugging you


  1. Even with some ice that place looks so warm and fabulous and beautiful!
    Great shots : )

  2. You did a great job with these photos. The water and sky are beautiful colors. I can't even pick a favorite this time. The ice hiding in the shade of the boulder is interesting.

  3. Looks like you've been man-spammed by a robot from AOL. This man loves him some American woman named TechnoBabe. Married her, as a matter of fact.

    To your beautiful pictures, they totally rock. Great colors. Reminds me of my new CD cover :-)

    Was the lighter mark in the reservoir bank the former high-water level?

    Keep snapping those pics!

  4. i dont know if i have ever seen a sky as blue and

  5. That's an incredibly beautiful place. Very crisp and clean looking. And not shrugging off snow! Love it.

  6. Wow... that's wonderful. The colour of the water.. and of the sky is just stunning.

  7. WOW!! Stunning photos of gorgeous scenery!!!! Thank you for sharing!

  8. UNBELIEVABLE pictures!! just breathtaking!!

  9. Your pictures brought some wonderful memories... I love New Mexico and will always. Did you know that is were Luna (the main character of Blood Grudge) was born? In the middle of a night hike. The moon was full and glorious and I was thinking about this woman who had to change the world. I looked to the sky and knew her name had to be Luna Bravo.

  10. Oh SueAnn! What magnificent photos!! What a fantastic place for boating!

  11. Those blues-- WoW. That a picture view!
    Hope you have a great week, xo jj

  12. What a pretty place. Thanks for sharing SueAnn

  13. I could cry over this post. These photos are stunning!
    WHY did I spend 5 years in NM and never drive out to Elephant B???? It's gorgeous. Have you ever traveled to Lake Powell? That's my home and I miss it more than I ever imagined one could miss a place.

  14. You should write for the state ..
    Every time I see your photos I want to visit.


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