
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Fifty-Eight !!!!!

Wander through our state and you will discover treasures that will take your breath away.  Such as the Rio Grande River Valley Gorge!!  This is near Sante Fe, New Mexico!

Look closely now and watch your step!!!

Have a magical and blessed day/weekend!!
Hugging you


  1. i loooove these pics....makes me want to just go walk or hike through there...lots of neat colors and taxtures to take in...

  2. wow! what fabulous pictures. what camera are you using?

  3. Nature's pallet is so wonderful, isn't it? And the creativity of her muse is untouchable. I bet you were uplifted when you stood behind your camera; to be part of so much beauty and to KNOW how to enjoy it. Priceless!

  4. Doesn't it make you feel tiny & slightly insignificant when you look out to such vastness and not a sight of another living thing (apart from the cacti.)
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  5. Breathtaking my dear!
    I think I want to come see you and you can take me with you when you take photos like this.

    Great shots !!

  6. Oh, SueAnn, these are just stunning images. What an absolutely breathtaking view.

  7. Stunning landscapes - what a great post.

  8. Hey SueAnn....!

    I hope you're well Lovey....!!!!!

    These pictures are simply BREATHTAKING....I SWEAR I could almost SMELL the soil & hear the water as it rushed by....! Thank you for sharing them with us....!

    And THANK YOU for keeping me 'company' while I was away & keeping up with my adventures....It WARMED my heart & made me SMILE OUT LOUD EVERY time I spied a comment from you.... :o) !!!!!

    I hope you have a WONDEROUS week my Friend & I look FORWARD to catching up with you shortly....!

    Cheers for now from Oz (again),
    Tamarah xxx

  9. HI SueAnn, I was in NM in the fall for the Balloon Festival. I went through this area near Santa Fe - your scenic photos are breathtaking.

  10. It almost doesn't seem real it's so beautiful. Your photos are just gorgeous. If it wasn't for the heat i could live there with all those cactus:)


  11. Oh Sue Ann those pictures are truly stunning! What an amazing place you live in!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  12. Stunning landscapes and shots!
    It's really hard to pick a favorite.

    ...and I was in Cancun/Tulum a month ago!
    I really enjoyed it!


  13. Wow. A stunning landscape and such clear photographs. Well done. Sometimes I think I can only see such detail in photographs. In real life, I'm pretty nearsighted.

    And, of course, the landscaoes are so different from what I am used to... it may as well be Mars ;-)

    Congratulations on your potw.

  14. Hoping to visit a desert this fall...perhaps.


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