
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Random Tuesday....Smoke gets in your eyes!!!!!

Welcome to Random Tuesday...sit back...have a cup of coffee...relax...while I regale you with treasures and tidbits!!  Ha!  I should say, "Attempt to regale you"!! 

Yes, the fires they still be a burning!  The Wallow fire in Arizona, which is a few miles west of New Mexico borders, is huge and only 10% contained.  The smoke that has come from this fire, covers most of New Mexico, making outdoor activities difficult.  Especially for me, as I have asthma!  Sigh!  Walking has been cut back tremendously.  And, to add to this, we have another fire, which started up on Sunday, in northern New Mexico...Raton!!  It is becoming huge as well!  We Need Rain and soon.  Or these things will never really be put out!  It is kind of scary, actually!

Smoke and sunsets....amazing...

I have some exciting news!!  My surgery will be sooner than January, 2012!!  Would you believe, possibly October??  Woot!!  Woot!!  I have enough money now and I am ready to proceed.  I was going to shoot for August...but I think the first part of October will be soon enough.  In time to look totally awesome for the holidays.  And a few more months to lose some more weight. Just had to share!!

For those of you who are new to my blog...I have lost 170 lbs and have a lot of extra skin in my stomach and breast area not to mention my arms and neck...and it needs to go!!!!

Took the grandkids and Cheri to a ball game at our local baseball park.  We rooted for the Isotopes who are our local team and WE WON!  Then we were rewarded with fireworks at dusk!  Had a blast!!

It was weird having them so early...but it saved us from getting home after midnight.  The reason they were so early?  The smoke from the fires was predicted to get heavier as the evening wore they even had the game earlier, ( 4:05PM instead of 7:05PM)!! 

Took Georgia Rose ( my granddaughter who is 15) to get our nails and toes done at the Nail Studio in Albuquerque and then lunch at the Cracker Barrel!  We had a great time.  Georgia got a whole new set of nails and then they were painted with a cool design...stained glass-like!  We also shopped at the Dollar Store and stocked up on things we absolutely needed.  Like glow bracelets and cotton candy...important know?!!

Cheri and I went plant shopping on Sunday and it was during the hottest part of the day!  Yikes!  We both got sunburned but we had a great time.  Cheri and I both got some fabulous plants!  I will be showing them next week.  Right now they are just sitting out there in their pots...waiting for me to figure out where in the new rock garden they will live.  Cheri, the energizer bunny of the neighborhood, has already planted about 20 plants!!  Sigh!!  Wish I had her energy.  That sun wore me out and this smoke really makes me tired!  Ack!!!

Jericho Nursery

Plants of the Southwest Nursery

My friend, Charlotte sent me the most fabulous little collage just to cheer me up!!  She resides at the Seahorse Ranch Life and is the sweetest gal around!!  Stop by and pay her a visit.  Charolotte would be thrilled to have you and she has wonderful coffee!!

Isn't it beautiful!!!  I love it and it resides in my hallway art gallery now!  Perfect place!  Thanks so much Charlotte...I love it!!

Dr. John is still working away on his book.  He has a new deadline..the middle of July!  Send positive thoughts and copious amounts of prayers to help him along!!  He needs all the help he can get!!

I won a gift certificate from my sweet friend Magaly at Pagan Culture!  With it I shopped ETSY and got a fabulous nose ring from Rock Your Nose!!  It is a garnet with three silver balls connected to it.  I tried to take a pic but that is hard to do!!  Ha!! 

Stop by Pagan Culture and see one gorgeous lady!!  Magaly is the sweetest ever!!  And Rock your Nose is located in Vancouver...she does fabulous and quality work in silver and sterling silver!  Love her items!!

Still creating in my the delica beads I was waiting for to add to the collage.  Will be posting pics later this week...hopefully Thursday!  Stay tuned!!

Georgia worked on bracelets and necklaces last week.  She did an outstanding job!!!   We also went shopping and oooo la la!!  Does she look gorgeous.  I made a photo collage to show off her work and her new look!!  Enjoy!!

Click to play this Smilebox photo album
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Photo album made with Smilebox

Isn't she beautiful??  And her jewelry creations are amazing!!  I offered only materials...she did all the work!  She is now working on a reborn baby doll.  Her painting on the vinyl is amazing.  I will share next week this new creation of hers!!

Well I believe I have Randomed enough you know the drill.  Go visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked and see what other Randomizers are up too!!  You have heard the rumor that Keely of The UnMom is taking a break...a  L..O..N..G...break!!!  So we are carrying the banner and running with it.  Rebels that we are!!!  Ha!!

You have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. yes, she is., those nails looked awesome too...great news on your surgery! love me some baseball too....

  2. I'm so sorry about the fires in your area - scary!! But as usual, you got some AMAZING shots of the sky! :)

    Yay for winning the game! And the fireworks look cool in the dusky sky! :)

    WooHoo on being able to have your surgery earlier - it's so cool that you've lost all that weight and keep it off.

    That is a way cool nose ring! I didn't know you had your nose pierced - I do, too! :)

    Sounds like so much fun with your granddaughter - and Georgia is definitely beautiful!

    Thanks so much for being such a diligent rebel with me! :)

    Dino Fun, Hubby Yucks, Vacation Race - RTT Rebel

  3. I am so proud of you. you are going to look fabulous after your surgery.

  4. Congrats on the weight los AND saving your pennies for the surgery. You will look amazing!

    The pedicure/manicure sounds fun and beautiful!

    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Those are some awesome pictures! Amazing what smoke can create with sunsets.

  6. Wonderful pictures! Good news about the surgery!

  7. Excellent news about your surgery, Sue Ann. I'm so impressed that you've lost all that weight. How inspiring! Congrats to you.

  8. Loved those garden tub plants and the tortoises.
    Great idea that smile box and congrats on the weight loss.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  9. Your plants are so pretty :). And 170 lbs! WOW!! The surgery is gonna make you feel like a new woman. Amazing work that you have done.

  10. Well done you on the weight loss, I have 42 pounds to lose and I am struggling with it. The nose ring is looking pretty funky grandma, I can't imagine my granny ever having one xxx

  11. Wow SueAnn I had no idea you lost so much weight! Congratulations on that and having money now to do surgery. I had a tummy tuck about 6 years ago and it was so worth it.

    Love this post. So many beautiful pictures and your granddaughter is beautiful too.

    So you have a nose ring? You are amazing SueAnn! I am finding out so many interesting things about you.

    Most times I can't get your entire screen to come up but tonight it did.

    Hope you have a great week and I hope you get rain. You can have some of mine. I am tired of it !!

    Hugs and God Bless You

  12. Beautiful photos, early surgery, nose ring. Wow that is a full plate

  13. Great shots, I like the one with nose ornament. :)

  14. I loved your much to read full of many emotions. I am so impressed with your weight loss. I struggle a bit too and it is tough. I have about 45 lbs to go. I will enjoy watcing your journey. Thanks for posting my button!!

  15. WoooHooo! It sounds like aside from the horrible fires everything is awesome in your world. I'm sure you are psyched about your surgery and I'm right there with you; you deserve it. Your nose ring looks fabulous and your grandbaby looks gorgeous indeed! Let her know I want her shoes!!!

  16. So beautiful! So heart-warming. Thank you for the big and the close-up pictures.


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