
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Random Tuesday....Splish splash....!!

Welcome to another Random Tuesday!  Hope you are all well and sassy as ever!!!  I have a few things to share with you today so get your coffee and pull up a chair!!!!  Now...isn't that better??

We spent the weekend at the Raddison Water Park in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  About 40 minutes from our house.  We took our two grandkids, Georgia and Lee, Jr.!!  And we all had a blast!!  Thought I would share some pics of the weekend....enjoy!!

Dr. John, Lee and Georgia


Then when the water park closed for cleaning and such (two hours); we went to the regular pool and the kids and Dr. John played volley ball!  Another fun time!!

Then we were all wet but very off we went to change and go eat!  They had a real cute dining area within the hotel!  Food was perfect!!  Just what we needed!  Ha!

Myself and Georgia...with our wet heads!!  Ha!

Georgia and Lee Jr.

Lee Jr., and Dr. John

Georgia and I have been busy outside working on a flagstone patio and a rock garden near my front door.  Here are some pics of the rock garden...still a work in progress!!

We have been visiting a quarry in Belen, NM where you can buy from piles of scrap flagstone and travertine!  Beautiful and perfect.  But a lot of hard work.  Cheri has been going with us...she is the one who found this treasure!!  She has been there three times and Georgia and I have been there twice.  Wait until you see the flagstone we have laid in the hot tub room/patio!  Next week for sure I will show some pics!  But we are SORE!!!  Would you believe over 1500 lbs of stone we lifted and placed...twice!!  Once into truck and once out of truck and onto the ground!  We all helped Cheri too!!  It was hard work but the results are fantastic!  I still have to level it out and fill the spaces with DG in a red tone. (decomposed granite)

Georgia starts her sewing classes today...she was supposed to start yesterday....but I forgot!!!  All busy with going to the quarry!!  Sorry Jo!!  Anyway, it is beginning sewing and she will learn how to use the sewing machine!  Then next week she will make a purse!  So she should have a lot of fun.

Lee Jr. is still in theater camp and loving it.  His performance is this weekend!  I will take lots of pics and post them next week!!

Jo (nickname for Georgia) is about 1/2 done with her reborn baby doll.  We are waiting on mohair so she can root the head.  She has done a great job with her painting of it!  Can't wait to see it finished!

I haven't had a chance to work on my painting!  Sigh!  Had to wait on some beads.  They finally arrived and I can get back to work tomorrow.  I also received an email from someone interested in a large painting for their home.  So cool!!  They saw my piece at the lawyers office and want one similar!  So that will be great!  We will get together this week sometime!  Wish me luck!!

With all the fires burning in New Mexico, the sunsets have been magnificent!!  But we sure need rain and badly.  We are now in extreme drought and extreme fire danger as well.  Not good at all!  The skies are filled with smoke and giving people with breathing problems a difficult me!!

I know I am picture heavy today; but so much going on!!  Oh!  I scheduled my surgery for October 5th!!!  I am so excited!!

Well, enough random from me today!  Don't forget to stop by and visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked...who has picked up the Random Tuesday Banner and carried it forward since Keely of The UnMom is taking a break.  Which I believe has been long enough now...but what do I know!  She must be busy fighting off zombies in her neighborhood!!  And join in with your own random...tis great fun!!

Have a magical and blessed day!!
Hugging you


  1. What fun!! I've never seen a water park so huge all inside - awesome!!! Looks like a blast too. Enjoy those kiddos!

  2. That water park looks awesome!

  3. Indoor water parks are such fun! No worries with the weather.
    Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

  4. We took the family to an indoor water-park last year and they had a blast. They've been begging to go back ever since. Looks like you all had a lot of fun!

  5. I love water parks!

    Your sunset photos are always magnificent!

  6. What a great little vacation for you and your grandkids. Super way to have fun together. Liked your pictures bunches.

  7. omg that place looks awesome! would love to boys would love it too...looks like so much fun...great snaps!

  8. The water park photos are so incredibly colourful and nicely done. That first one threw me for a moment.. until I figured out what it was.

  9. what a cool water park and more work coming in! yay!

  10. What a wonderful water park.
    My grandchildren would have been in Heaven there.
    We wouldn't have been able to take photos of it in England though!
    Brilliant photos.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  11. Looks as if you had a pretty good time!

  12. Oh WOW.. Fabulous post.... and I could sooo go in that pool right now! What fun for all of you.

    Love the Rainbow Warriors music too!!

    Wishing you rain my Dear!


  13. You are very beautiful!

    Love the sky captures.

  14. First off - you are a total inspiration to me to take my grandson (who is visiting next week) to the water park! I had been thinking about it and now I can see how much fun that would be thanks to this post. Also, thank you so much for stopping by my blog.

  15. Hello SueAnn,

    Incredible water park. That looks like such fun. I'm sorry to hear about the fires. I don't watch the news or read the paper so I hadn't heard. Here's hoping the fires are quenched and the air clears.

    Congrats on the new commission. You don't need any luck, you'll be your magnificent self as always.


  16. hi Sue Ann,

    looks like you all had a wonderful time at the water place, your photos are fun to see. And those blue sky photos, gorgeous.

  17. What an exciting life you have. That water park is truly awesome, we have nothing like it here.

    Enjoy the garden and everything else you're doing. But I don't think I need to tell you that, you look as if you have never been miserable in your life.

    Love the nose stud!

  18. You are an awesome family! That's some very elegant cooling off you did there.


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