
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Work in Progress....First Week!

Ha!  I found this canvas in my storage shed.  It was one I started over 5 years ago...then I got sick and put it away.  Got tired of looking at it.  Now it is filled with "old" ideas and it is time to change it up some.  Put some fresh new eyes on it and begin.

Here is how I found it...

Pretty strong ideas, huh?   Ha!!  Now to add some "new eyes" to it and begin anew...

I used broken ceramic pieces to alter the "bird" shape that was over the "mountains".  It is always exciting to start a new piece.  You never know where it will take you.  I start with fresh it is a mountain landscape.  Now we will see where I end up.  Ha!!  Ha!!

Hope you enjoyed this little peek into my world.

Have a magical and blessed day
Hugging you


  1. nice...pretty cool to go back and reimage an old piece that you were not happy with at the time...look forward to seeing where you go with this...

  2. I love watching your works in progress. So facinating to see everything come together!

  3. yes, I'm ready to start on some new things myself.

  4. WoW! It will be interesting to see what you do with this!

  5. can't wait to see what you come up with. take care, have a great weekend. hugs.


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