
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Silent Saturday ~ Part Eighty-Nine

Tick Tock
I’m writing this in a state of shock,
Watching the clock—tick tock, tick tock,
Advancing, approaching, relentlessly,
A brand new year; Oh, can it be?
The calendar says the same thing, too;
Time races, vanishes for me; Boo hoo!
No, wait! If time flies, I’m having fun!
A year of fun! It’s gone! It’s done!
I now embrace the blur of time,
Because it simply means that I’m
Too busy with pleasure, joy, delight
To mourn the passing days’ swift flight.
So I’m wishing you fast, happy days,
Pleasuring you in myriad ways,
Filled with happiness and cheer,
Oh Happy, Happy Bright New Year!
By Joanna Fuchs


We've Holidays and happy days, and memory days galore
And when we've toasted every one, I offer just one more
So let us lift our glasses high, and drink a silent toast
To the day, deep buried in each heart
that each one loves the most

Auld Lang Syne
by Robert Burns

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne?
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne 

We've Holidays and happy days, and memory days galore
And when we've toasted every one, I offer just one more
So let us lift our glasses high, and drink a silent toast
To the day, deep buried in each heart
that each one loves the most

 Wishing you and yours the Happiest of New Years!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. that chorus through out...i hope that you have a wonderful new year sue ann...surrounded by those that you love...smiles...

  2. Happy New Year my friend!
    Be safe but have fun!!

  3. Happy New Year!!! I hope you have a grand one!

  4. Happy New Year SueAnn.
    Thank you for your visits. I always look forward to seeing your name as one of my first commenters each post!

  5. Happy New Year, my friend. Thanks for this exquisite post!

  6. Thank you Sue Ann for your visit to my place, Always a pleasure when new visits are made and new friendships form and then inspire each other through the New Year!

    Thank you for your New Year visit.
    Happy and blessed to you.

  7. Happy New Year to you and yours!
    Thanks for your lovely words on my blogposts.

  8. Fast, happy days usually mean goodness ... Here's to a year filled with them!

    I clicked over from Ellen's, enjoyed browsing here ...

  9. Beautiful postings..Happy New Year to you too Sue Ann!

  10. Thank you SueAnn, and a very happy New Year to you too.

  11. Happy New Year Sue Ann. Lets hope this one doesn't go by as fast as 2011.


  12. Very creative writing ~ your New Year is off to a fabulouso start ! Thanks for your kind words over at my blog...much appreciated. Hope that 2012 is full of wild adventures, crazy happiness, a sense of calm, new friendships and lots of loving ! Take care !

  13. Happy New Year to you and yours, SueAnn. :)


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