
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Random Tuesday....And other such things!!

January 17th???  OooooMmmmmGeeeee!!  It wasn't but yesterday we were preparing a Thanksgiving dinner...turkey and the works!!??  And then we were decorating our trees; knowing Santa was preparing his reindeer and loading the sleigh!!  2011 faded away and 2012 is now looking us dead in the eyes!  Resolutions; words of determination; and here we are....January 17th!! 

Now my tree sits, barren...waiting for Valentine's day decorations!!  Ha!!  And a new year has begun.  We have already talked of what we want for what!!  Guess it is time to get to work??  So I started in my studio and we got about 1/2 of it organized!  Whew!  Took many things to storage...Christmas decor and such!  Will finish up today and start working on that painting.  Do you remember the painting?

So as you can is almost done!  I started applying reeds and grasses to the middle section to create a new layer!! 

As I said last week...this I will enter in the El Paso art show...due Feb. 1st!  I better get cracking!!  Ha!!

This coming Saturday night is John's company's Holiday Party!!  It will be held at a Country Club on the west side of Albuquerque.  Our son and his wife will be going as well. Our son also works for the company.  His office is in Gallup...which is about 2.5 miles west of Albuquerque.  Dinner, dancing and karaoke; fun night!!   I will take plenty of pics.  Dr. John always sings...Ha!!  My granddaughter, Emma will be going too!  Soooooooooo......more next week.

The snow is slowly melting and I just got a glimpse of my rock pride and joy!!  And, oh looks sad.  Forlorn even!!  Going to have a lot of clean up and trimming to do.  But I look forward to that!  The snow has been hanging around forever...time for it to go.  I am yearning for spring!!!!  Here's a reminder....SNOW!

We did our errands last Saturday and picked up the dry cleaning.  When we got home...Dr. John took the cleaning back to our bedroom while I put groceries away.  I heard him call me.  So I went back to see whst he wanted.  He was standing in the middle of our bedroom and said, "Look at this?"  He was standing ontop of a large wet area on our carpet!!!!!!!  WTH???  On further investigation, it was soaking wet from our bedroom into the hallway!!  We were now experiencing our worst fears!  Our home is on a all the plumbing runs under the slab!!!  Do we have a busted pipe??  Crap!!  So, Dr. John turned the water off and I called a plumber...Roto Rooter!!  They couldn't come until the following day!!  Crap again!!

We pulled back the carpeting and pad and found no cracking of the concrete??  Where is the water coming from.  I called our son, Lee, and told him what was going on.  He said he was packing his bag and he would be here in three hours.!!  Awwwww!!  My son!!!!!!!!!  Love!!!

Meanwhile, Dr. John is thinking...maybe not coming in from the floor.  So he goes up on the roof.  We have a flat roof.  There he discovered a ice dam!!  And it was located all around the plumbing stacks.  There was cracking in the caulk at the base of the stacks!!  Ah ha!!!  Dr. John comes down and says, "The water is coming down the wall!"  Huh!!!!????  We figure it was coming down the wall...the melting snow that is, and running across the floor and soaking the carpet!!  Whew!! 

Meanwhile, Lee is on his way here.  He is bringing a coring machine to do a hole in the concrete!!  Sigh!!  Our bedroom and hallway is a disaster...carpet all pulled back and it is so wet!!  And our water is off....!!!!  And I have to pee!!!!  Ha!!

To end this saga...Lee arrived!!  Coring machine and suitcase in hand.  Dr. John and he has a confab and decided Dr. John was right.  Lee checked, also, the north side of the house.  The snow had been pretty high against that wall...and now the the whole north side was saturated.  So he dug a trench to get the water to drain away and get it away from the wall.  Up on the roof, the snow had pretty much melted away from the stacks and they removed what was left.  So both water sources dealt with!  Sigh!!!  Color me happy!  Water back on...I got to pee!!!  And carpet is drying out!!!  We are now dry...everything is all back together and instead of costing us over $3000.00, it cost us $110.00.  Carpet re-stretched and caulking!!!!  Woot!!

Who has more fun??  Ha!!!

Cheri and I went shopping at Victoria's Secret!!  Woot!!  They had undies on sale!!  A must for sure...!!  Ha!!  Then we met up with Ramona and went to see the movie, "A Joyful Noise"!!  What a fun movie!  We thoroughly enjoyed it.  Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah!!  What a combination...and it worked.

Then we had a wonderful lunch/dinner at the Plum Cafe!!  Yum!  I had honey chicken with fried rice and fresh veggies!!  So tasty and fresh!!  Loved it! 

Whew!!  Quite the lengthy post!!  Time to close...but don't forget to visit Stacy at Stacy UnCorked and see what other Randomizers are doing!!    And as we continue marching on, go and encourage Keely at The UnMom to pick up the banner and run ahead of us all!!

To all, be well!  And have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. That painting is so awesome! Can't wait to see how well it's received at the art show! :)

    Looking forward to all the fun pics from John's company Holiday Party.

    Can you send some snow our way? Princess Nagger wants a snow day off, and I want to finish my batch of champagne with Mother Nature's help. ;)

    UGH on the snow/water/soaking saga - glad Dr. John and Lee got it figured out and fixed - bet that's a relief!

    Skylanders Craze Part 2, Wishing for Snow and Advanced Potty Training: RTT Rebel

  2. Sounds like you've had an eventful time down there in New Mexico! I hope all of your water woes are resolved.

    The painting you're working on is beautiful. I'm excited to see your finished product. The colors are so vivid - I just know it will be received well at the art show. Good luck with that.

    I hope you are doing well these days. I check in on you in reader whenever I'm able, but thought I'd pop over to the blog today to say hello.

    Have a wonderful week!

  3. so glad your water problems weren't from broken pipes and a cracked slab. but what a pain. wet carpet. no carpet in my house, only hardwoods and rugs.

  4. Any woman who uses the word "confab" is OK in my book! The new piece is gorgeous! Water problems. Shudder......

  5. woohoo best of luck at the art showe...that is awesome...i hope that you are able to straighten out all the water issues...

  6. Your art is amazing! And look at all that snow! Good luck with the water issue!

  7. We haven't had any snow. Can we have some?

  8. This is a neat pic that you added texture to...It is tough to maintain a house, glad it worked out so well

  9. You're leaving me breathless too.
    I think you must be quite a lively woman!

  10. Great work on your painting!

    Whew! You really had an ordeal with that leak!!! Glad you had some help and it didn't wind up costing a lot!

    That looks like a pretty good movie!

  11. How wonderful, after seeing your art, the snow doesn't look so cold.

  12. Not only do ya know how to have fun ya sure know how to pack a post sweetie!!!

    I'm so sorry ya had the water episode bur thrilled ya didn't have to drill and spend the big bucks!

    Your art is a winner in my book, I bet your gonna do well at the show. Woohoo!!!

    Oh how I want to see that looks great!

    God bless ya sweetie and have a marvelously 'dry' day! :o)

  13. i love all the diffeent textures! and your music is so lovely!

  14. What a beautiful collage.
    Sorry to hear about the water. Hope it gets fixed soon. I know what that is like!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  15. I held my breath when you said ''wet carpet and Roto Rooter'' in the same sentence. Yikes! So glad it was a much easier fix than you originally feared.

    Hope you all had a grand time at the company party.

    Stay dry! xo jj

  16. Your artwork is just gorgeous. Wow. You sure do great stuff.

    Thanks for the Joyful Noise trailer. I think that will be a good one to see.

  17. So glad everything is fixed, thank goodness. you have an amazing amount of snow. the photo is wonderful. glad you are able to get out. ahhh victoria day. your wip looks wonderful. good luck, I hope you win. hugs.


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