
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random Tuesday....Walked; Shopped;Conquered!!

Back from the Gem Show!!  Exhausted; Sore; and Broke!!!  Ha!!  Here are some shots from the four days!  We had a blast!  The show was HUGE!!!!!!

As you can much to see!  The entire of city of Tucson was inundated with tents and buildings filled with dealers with their wares!  Fun Time for sure!!!

Finished the Valentine decor.., are some pics...!!

How about those Giants!!  Woot!  Go Manning!!!  Just saying!!  Ha!!

Dr. John survived without me....but was definitely glad for my return.  He had a gift for me when I got back.  A book!  The Invention...Hugo Cabret!!  Such a cool book!  The black and white drawings within it are amazing!!  Thank you Dr. John!!!

I will share some pics of the gems I brought home next week.  Tons and tons!!!  Woot!!  Woot!!  Do I have material for collage now!!  Wowzers!!  And of course, I spent much more than I budgeted for and will have to tighten the belt or get a job!!  Ha!!

Sorry I didn't post while I have been gone....but literally to busy!  Started each day at 6AM and didn't get back to room until after 7 or 8 PM!  Boy did we sleep well!!  We, the girls ( Cheri, Ramona, Tamarah and Myself) saw and conquered best we could!! is time for you to go and pay a visit with Stacy at Stacy Uncorked to see what others are Randomizing about!  Fun things I am sure.  Also go and nudge Keely of The UnMom to come back and pick up the banner for Random Tuesday one more time!!  Time for you all to start Randonmizing!


Time to go!!  Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. Wow, you weren't kidding when you said that gem show was HUGE! Sounds like you had a fun, albeit exhausting time. :) Looking forward to seeing what loot you came back with! :)

    Awwww! Dr. John is such a sweetie! He's a keeper! :)

  2. looks like a pretty fun time...lots to see and some cool jewelry...hehe the blinking pics were messing with me....i need more coffee....smiles.

  3. We rooted for the Giants. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest by the time the game was over. NY barely pulled off that victory.

  4. What fun!!! Can't wait to see what you bought, and what you make with it!!

  5. Looks like it was a shiny, bedazzled wonderful time !
    Have a safe and gentle landing back home.
    Happy Tuesday !

  6. Just look at all that!!

  7. Holy beejeebers! That's a lot of gems! How did you see it all?
    BTW, in Latin, you title for this post would be something like
    Ambulavit tabernam vici (my tense might not be perfect). Who says homeschooling your kids won't make you smarter? I'm such a nerd. :)
    Happy RTT!

  8. Wow. That's a lot of cool gem show stuff!

    Have a great rest of your day!

  9. Blinking pictures? I thought it was just me, needing to clear my head! Your trip was surely a blast. Now Tucson can recover. You are looking HOT, mama.


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