
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Random Tuesday....Styling, Sexy and Sixty!!

Yep!  That is and sixty...well almost sixty-three!!  Just feeling good!!!

The good looking fella is Dr. John!!

Hey!  I won a  $10 Gift card from Diane at The Blue Ridge Gal.....what a treat.  It was a giveaway and my name was picked.  So cool!!  I love Diane's blog and her two pups, Rowdy and Izzy.  You all should stop by her immensely amusing blog and give her a shout!! 

Went out to lunch with the girls, Jodi and Cheri, last Friday.  We went to the Elephant Bar in the Uptown Plaza in Albuquerque.  We had a blast and caught up on all the dirt...I mean happenings since Christmas.  Fun times.  They offered a raspberry Mojito and of course I had to give it a try.  Boy was it good!!  Cheri tried one too!  The Elephant bar is a great place to go for is beautiful with a great menu...location is perfect  and the food is fantastic!!!

Jodi had a fruit drink...non-alcoholic!  Yum!


Tempting, huh?  I had fish and chips with sweet potato fries and boy was it good,  The fish was Tilapia encrusted with pecans.  To die for!!!!

Saturday, Dr. John and I just wanted to chillax so we went to town and shopped at Pier 1, Macy's and Hobby Lobby.  We had lunch at Pei Wei.  Also YUM!!  I had the Thai Chicken Curry and OMGEEEEE!  It was so delish!

Pei Wei

Pier One
We shopped and shopped.  Had a blast!  At  Hobby some cool items for my spring mantel.  It turned out really great!!

Progressing nicely on my newest collage.  It is almost done!  Will be sharing pics on Thursday.  So stay tuned.

I picked up some kind of flu bug...yucky!!  I hope to feel better today!  Yesterday was awful!!

I think I have Randomized your ears I will pass you along to Stacy at Stacy Uncorked.  Go and give her a howdy do and see what the other Randomizers are up too!!  Don't forget to go and encourage Keely of The UnMom,  to jump back into Random Tuesday!  She is missed for sure.

Have a magical and blessed day.
Hugging you


  1. your rabbit...and i love pei wei! we dont have them here but go when we are down south...and we love its parent restaurant pf chang....we do have one of those 2 hours away...

    no way you are 63....smiles.

  2. Yall look so good...the drinks are so pretty...Nice to chillax with your Dr John

  3. OMG you look great! Look at that smooth skin. I'm 62 this year and I'm all wrinkly.

  4. As always, I can feel the blast coming off the computer screen. Happy Days!

  5. Those are some interesting drinks.
    Congrats on your win as well.

    Have a great Tuesday!

  6. Everything was perfect until I heard you weren't feeling well! Clorox wipes!!! I swear by 'em for keeping the flu virus at bay!! I hope you feel better soon!

  7. Oh darlin' I hate to hear ya got the stinkin' flu bug, I'm glad to hear your feelin' better.

    What a great pic of beautiful you and that Dr. John!

    It looked like the perfect outin' 'till that flu stuff...Booger.

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day.

    Feel better please! :o)

  8. You are looking great!
    I am struck by the difference in sizes of my desserts and your drinks that we have posted!!

  9. Wait a minute! Did you say your husband went shopping with!!!???!!! You are a very lucky girl.
    Your mantle looks terrific.
    Happy Spring!
    xo jj

  10. Well look at you! Now I know for sure that 63 is the new 43.

  11. If I look like that at almost-sixty-three I'll be expecting my picture on Page Three! I'll also be surprised :D


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