
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Silent Saturday ~ GIVEAWAY!!!

Welcome to a special edition of Silent Saturday.  In case you have missed it...I did my 100th post two weeks ago!!  Woot!!  Woo!!

So in celebration of that; I am hosting a giveway!!  It is one of my own creations...a smaller collage.  Usually I do huge ones.....Ha!  This one is 9" x 12".   Here are some pics...

As you can see...the main color of this piece is green.  Also it is 3-D.  Ha!!  The butterflies, the angel and the clock hands all protrude from the surface.  So I would say it is about 2 inches deep.  The sides of the canvas are made of wood so no frame is needed.  It is ready to hang!

The title of this piece is "Tracing Time - a Short Story".

It is composed with handmade and scrapbook papers.  The leaves are actual ghost leaves dyed green.  The clock hands are metal...and the angel is card stock!!  The butterflies are card stock as well.  Enjoy!!

All you need to do is leave a comment on this post and be a follower!  That is it!

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!
Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. oh yes i most def want in...i obviously came back at the right time...smiles....i love butterflies and with it being 3D as well...i love....

  2. congratulations on your milestone post and your very attractive collage.

  3. Your blog is beautiful. Thanks for being here!

  4. How fortunate anyone would be to own a piece of your art!! I love it. And I'm pretty sure I'm already a follower. Have a nice week.

  5. WOWwowowowow! Thank you for the giveaway... and you know I'm a follower too.

    This is a gorgeous and very generous giveaway, SueAnn. Thank you so much.

    Congrats on your milestone!

    xo jj

  6. Its fabulous, it really is!
    Congrats on the 100th! Let there be many more.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  7. Sue Ann, I would be honored to be included in this beautiful give-away. Have a wonderful week and Happy Easter.

  8. It's beautiful!! Also checked out your Etsy and LOVE LOVE the three girls... You do the most fun things! I can tell you have a happy heart. :-))

    Congrats on you 100th post!!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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