
Friday, April 27, 2012

Photo Art Friday ~ When Nature Sings!

Photo Art Friday

Welcome to another edition of Photo Art Friday...sponsored by Bonnie of Pixel Dust Photo Art. Today's challenge is to take one of her filters (which all of them are fabulous) and create a work of art. The photo I chose is...

With her filter....

Now adding my photo...

Then I added several other filters to give a more painterly effect...

Also linking to Flower Art Friday....


How fun is that??  Thanks for stopping by...

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you



  1. It is fun and beautifully done, gorgeous, have a great weekend :)

  2. i like is subtle...breaks it up...i def like yours better in that last one...smiles. happy friday!


  3. This is awesome, so bold and so creative. Every element works so well together. Thanks so much for linking up with Flower Art Friday.

  4. Thanks for sending your link. I love your work and hate to miss anything!

    The filter works great with this unusual plant. I love the shape of the leaves.

  5. It is real good fun and looks great too.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  6. The in-progress edit (with just Bonnie's texture)
    immediately reminded me of the George Seurat painting called
    "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte".
    It is my favorite painting. Ever.
    Maybe your edit reminds me of this
    because of the colors or
    the purple-blue flower which could be the umbrella in the painting?
    I like both that edit and your final one!

  7. So lovely! Your effects and processing are wonderful.

  8. Great starting point photo.
    I like the use of Bonnie's texture, subtle but effective.
    The 2nd one has a brighter, bolder feel but I prefer the 1st one.

  9. Great starting point photo.
    I like the use of Bonnie's texture, subtle but effective.
    The 2nd one has a brighter, bolder feel but I prefer the 1st one.

  10. Great starting point photo.
    I like the use of Bonnie's texture, subtle but effective.
    The 2nd one has a brighter, bolder feel but I prefer the 1st one.

  11. SueAnn, these are wonderful.
    I love both versions.
    I wish you a great weekend ahead!

  12. The unusually angular leaves of the plant go well with that texture. I like the first edit.

  13. both renderings are amazing! and the photo was a perfect choice for Bonnie's new texture!

  14. Oh, amazing. You have a romantic flair.

  15. that is great! just love how your art turned out!

  16. Look what artistry, skill and play can produce! Just lovely SueAnn. Thanks for sharing with PAF.

  17. very wonderful interpretation and use of the textures; like the angle effects of the texture with similar juxtaposition of the leaves. excellent texture work. thanks for sharing. i am visiting through Bonnie's PAF today. Karen


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