
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Random Tuesday - Dining Out and Dining In!!


Randomly coming to you from sunny no snow New Mexico.  Woot!!  The weather has been fabulous!  It finally looks like the southwest here! skies...dry!  Though we do need the rain...I know...but I had to complain about something.  Seriously!!  Ha!

Your random sunrise...

It was nice having Dr. John home!  We had a quiet Wednesday and Thursday.  Friday I decided to do laundry and get it done.  It made some strange noises but I chalked it up to being old.  It has been with us for over 12 years!  Well, last load was towels....I smelt a strange odor coming from the laundry area....and lo and behold.. it hadn't fully drained.  So I tried to turn it back to spin and NOTHING!  No spin.  Damn!  Not again!  Where is that cherry red washer and dryer combination when you needed it?

So I had to wring out by hand the towels and carry them, dripping, outside and hang them on the line.  It took three trips!  Those suckers were heavy!!!  Called the company I usually use and they couldn't get here for one week.  Cheri remembered a company that was here in the mountains, so I called them.  Woot!  Gil came this very same day.  He was great...and checked out the washer thoroughly.  And when he turned the dial on started up!!  WTH!!?  He laughed...I about cried.  But he checked it anyway and said he figured the timer was going out.  Gil stated that there was an emergency shut off for the when it was stressed would shut the washer off.  And the smell was the motor overheating.  To replace timer was over $250.00!!!  To get a new one would be around $500.00.  Of course, this isn't the cherry red ones...they are $900.00!!  Soooooo....while he ran a small load of towels through the washes...he went down to Cheri's to check out her washer.  Ha!  Her transmission was going out...she needed a new washer too!  She thanked me for spreading my pain joy!!  We are both going to wait until they die completely!  And then see what we can get!  Sigh!!!!!

Friday night, I babysat Butch while Cheri was preparing a special meal for him.  Totally romantic and she didn't want him to see until all was ready.  So we had a great opportunity to get to know Butch better..we had a blast sharing stories and drinking Mojitos!!  Woot!!

Saturday was errand day...lots of stops.  Last one was Home Depot to pick up a new compost bin.  I mean, it was Earth Day after all.  The salesperson brought it out and it was flat!!!!  Oh great...we (Dr. John) get to put it together.  Ha!!  Took a couple of hours.  And the lower clips weren't Dr. John added the trusty duct tape to make sure!  Ha!!

That evening we went over to Cheri's for a cookout.  Steak, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes and martinis.  Now that is a perfect cookout!!  Key Lime pie for dessert!  Yum!!

Sunday afternoon we picked up Butch and Cheri and went to Pappadeux's...we met Kathy and Michael there.  Cheri and I got our favorite drink...the Swamp Thing.  Sweet!!!  Ha!!

Cheri, Butch, Mike and Kathy....





The food was fantastic.  Oysters on the half shell, coconut shrimp, scallops, crab cakes....need I say more.  Fabulous food!!  And generous portions!!  Sigh!  I could use some of that coconut shrimp right now!!!

Monday I went Pinky's Cafe in Cedar Crest for Craft Day with some really cool ladies.  Laurye showed us the beaded purse she is working on!  With 11mm seed beads...Oh my!!  Fabulous!

Carly was working on a crochet lace shawl...

And Pinky was working on a rag rug..made with strips of old cool...

We will meet at Pinky's the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month.  Next time, Laurye will be teaching us how to bead a bracelet.  I can't wait!!  Cheri will join us next time.

That's it for me...busy week!!  Now it is your turn...join us Random Rebels!!  And don't forget to stop over at Stacy's Uncorked and see all the Random randomzing!  So much going on in Blog World.  Seriously!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. There is nothing that cannot be fixed with duct tape and a curse or two. ^^

  2. key lime pie is my favorite dessert ever...and the swamp thing looks pretty cool, interesting progression of color down the pitcher...

  3. I think I've got my hubby convinced to leave the washer and dryer for the future new owners of our house when we sell it to move West next year...I'm really pushing for the cherry red set myself! ;) I hope when yours eventually dies of old age that Dr. John gets you the washer of your dreams. ;)

    You always have such a fun filled week every week! And your friends are awesome - and awesomely creative! :)

    Scramble Brainy Friends, Dandelion Volcano, Obsessive Song Search… The Usual Mishmash

  4. I love these random things, especially the needlework and crochet.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  5. Fun week! I want to come to Pinky's too!

  6. Pinkys- how fun! "sigh" :)

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

  7. Sound like you had some wonderful days. Yes, that is the fist time I have ever drooled over a washing machine... lovely red!!!



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