
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Random Tuesday....Snow, Dirt and Flower Sseds!!

Yes, I said it!  SNOW!!!!  I shared some pics last week but I have even more to share.  When the sun finally came up....twelve inches is what I saw!

And the good news melted away by the end of the day.  Next day was 75 degrees!!  Go figure!!!

Friday night went to an art show and dinner with Dr. John and Cheri.  We had a blast!  The art show was hosted by St. Claires' Winery in Albuquerque.  Fabulous food!  Great atmosphere!  And the art show was great.  Several artist took the challenge of creating artistic doors!!  Yep!  Doors!  It was great fun!

Aren't those doors amazing!!  And dinner was fab too!  And the company...well that goes without saying...the best ever!!

Saturday we did some errands and then worked out in the garden...well...we had Tim (new helper) working on one planting bed...removing all weeds and mulching, while Dr. John and I worked on the rock garden..also removing all weeds.  Amazing!  Spring just now showing it's pretty little head and we have more greenery and it is weeds!!!  Sigh!! So weed we all did! And planted seeds in our flower pots!!  Coolness!!   Will show some pics next week.

Sunday..Easter !!  Glorious day!!  Spiritually and physically gorgeous!!  Sun shining..meadow larks singing!  Fabulous!  We went out and photographed an old adobe building near our local post office.  I will share some of the pics with you today...but the majority of the photos I will share for Silent Saturday!

Sunday, the Easter Bunny brought us two Russell Stover Peanut Butter Cream Eggs...they tasted like crap.  The can't hold a candle (brown wrapper) to Reese's!!  They really were awful!  So on Monday, I bought some Reese's Peanut Butter that is candy!!

Well, that has been my about you??  I am sure you have had a fabulous week as well....share it and Randomize with the rest of us.  I have Randomized enough...thanks for visiting and now it is time for you to visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked and see all the other Randomizers!! 

Have a magical and blessed week!


  1. Well you've certainly had a mixed bag of weather. Gotta love 75 degrees after a snowfall. Those painted doors are cool. I love the one of the pickup truck carrying yet more doors.

  2. reeses is my weakness...haha...those doors are so cool sue ann...would love to see more of them....

  3. From 12 inches of snow to 75 degrees the next day? Crazy!!

    You look beautiful, SueAnn! Sounds like a great time out.

    LOVE those doors - and all your other shots! :)

    I was wondering if those peanut butter eggs were any good...glad I decided not to chance it! :)

    RTT Rebel Badges, Easter Spoilage, Bear Basket Transformation, Regal Dentist Dude

  4. crazy weather and fun doors. I saw at least one I would like to have.

  5. Fabulous doors, gave me ideas. We had snow that fell in the morning and melted by 2pm in here in WA, but 12", amazing. What crazy weather.

  6. Holy cow! 75 the next day! There must have been one huge melting mess going on.

    Have a great rest of your RTT.

  7. Step away from the Reese's. Mom had a bowl full of the Reese's eggs, and everyone raved. I am so sorry you are STILL getting snow. It's April! But look at you smiling and looking so hot.


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