
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Mad Hatter and a Tea Party!!

It's off to the Tea Party!!  Hosted by the East Mountain Garden Club!!  Put on your hat and join in!!

What fun!!  Great Food!!   And what party isn't wonderful when you end the day at the Martini Bar of Pete's Restaurant!!

And when you start the day with a fabulous can you not go through the day with a smile on your face!!??!!

Now all you need to do is find your coffee!!  Ha!!!!

Saw the doc on Friday, last week, and surgery is scheduled for June 20th!!  Woot!!  Pre-Op went great!

My son and his wife, my cutie-patootie DIL, and the two youngest grandchildren arrived Saturday afternoon.  They are beginning their week long vacation!  They decided to come to Albuquerque and see the town as a tourist!  What fun!!  They stayed two days with us and they stocked their cooler and purchased some summer clothes for the Sr. and the Jr.  Now they are at a Best Western in Old Town and they are so excited!!  Too bad I can't tag along just to take pics!!  Ha!!!

Just playing!!  I spotted these old fashioned roses at the entrance to the Country Club where they had the Garden Party!!  Gorgeous!

Cleaned up the old treadmill and started hoofing it again!  Woot!!  Gotta get back on track!  I have 50 lbs. to lose yet!  Whew!  My first goal.....5 lbs.!!  Starts now!  The reason for the use of the treadmill...smoke!!  The smoke and winds have been awful indoor walking is the answer!

The 63rd. birthday is fast approaching and I am trying to decide on the giveaway?!  How about a box of crafting supplies and a print by Diane Duda?   Or a collage by me??  Hmmmmmm...what do you think?
Crafting supplies would consist of decorative papers, clock hands, alphabet stickers, and stuff like that?

Yesterday was crafting day at Pinkies!!  Fun times!  I had kind of lost my way with the beaded bracelet she is teaching us...sooooo...after a refresher course...I am off to the races!  Here is what I have so far....

One bead at a time.  This will be a bracelet!!  Eventually...ha!!!

On Wednesday, I am picking up my granddaughter, Cassie, as we are going to hit the bricks.  We are going downtown and she will be leaving job applications/resumes and I will be taking my portfolio to galleries and we both hope we get some positive bites!!  Wish us both luck!!??

Today I am working on my portfolio.  I am trying to make it unique...memorable!  So we will see what I come up with.  I will take pics along the way!!

Well that is my randomizing for this week!!  Whew!!  Having company for two days tired me out??!!  I need a nap...ha!!!!  So on this Random thing...don't you have some random bits and bobs to share?  Join us...'tis fun for sure!  But at least stop over at Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see what she and others are up too!
And, as always, thanks so much for stopping by!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you

Sharing this on Nature's Footsteps for Bio-Ma.  Close up of flowers!!  So I am adding my roses in!!
Visit Natures' Footsteps and see what others have to offer!!


  1. I have never been on a tea-party, but it looks great!

  2. Good job on the treadmill; smoke from wildfires or what? Sometimes we get that here in Florida; there's actually a lot of brushlands around that frequently either catch fire or have prescribed burns.

  3. wow, you are beading that bracelet without a loom? how do you do that?

  4. i would def be down with a collage by you...smiles....looks like a fun time at the tea party...and post party...smiles...

  5. I love the energy in your posts. That likes a super party--with some super martinis!

    Good luck with the bracelet!

  6. Just look at that spread - yummy!!! I want to come next time, lol! Enjoy your family and the grandkids.

    LOVE your bracelet - keep going!

  7. I'm thinking you and I could hang out just fine. Tea, then martinis. Work for me.

  8. It looked as though it was the most perfect tea party. Loved the display of food!
    The bracelet is going to be lovely.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  9. love that background for the flower shots. They look great against it. :)

  10. Look at you and your bestie at the Garden Party! With a martini, natch. On another post, that watercolor effect you got with the photo of the trees/creek is so cool. You can just dang-do-it-all. Charlotte


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