
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Butterflies are free!!!

Thursday, my granddaughter, Lisa arrived.  Her chauffeur was her sister, Cassie and they brought along Cassie's BFF Brittany!  What fun to have the house filled with estrogen!!!  And would you believe I didn't take pics??  Sigh!!

Friday, Lisa and I went to Madrrid, NM and had a good time,  We shopped until we dropped and we did lunch!  Ha!  And I took tons of pics...then promptly came home and erased them!!  Again I sigh!!!  SIGH!!
I know...what good am I?

Saturday  I got my hair done while Lisa hung out with her grandpa!!  They worked on the front patio and b boy does it look good.  I will post pics of this next week...still have some tweaking to do.  Then we all went out to the Chinese restaurant and chowed down!!  Sweet n Sour chicken here...yummy!

Sunday, we left early to get to the Botanical Gardens and Butterfly Pavilion.  Such wonderful sights to see and this time the pics are here!!  Woot!!

heritage house


Now that was amazing!!  The colors, so vibrant!!  And such variation.  Wow!!  It was something else...we were all impressed!!

Lisa, Grandpa and me...

Monday we just hung working on the beaded bracelet and Lisa on Sims!  That beaded bracelet is going to be the death of me.  One bead at a time...and trying to thread the beading  needle...Yikes!!  Lisa ended up having to thread the darn needle for me.  I just couldn't get it.  The thread kept splitting.  And she has better eyes!

Wednesday Lisa is going back home and I have to pack!  We are going to Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday to see the sights.  The art museum, the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, and to watch the Cleveland Indians play the Red Sox!!  Woot!!

Today we are going to the cinema to see Total Recall then lunch at the Red Robin.  Then of course, we have to go shopping!!  I mean, seriously!!  Just don't tell Dr. John!!  But it is required!!

Well, that is it for me...hope you can all stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see what the other Randomizers are up too!  Usually diverse and very entertaining,

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you



  1. nice...have fun at the movies today...i would not mind seeing this remake....and the gardens sound and look the butterflies...

  2. Is that a nose ring I see? Aren't you modern! hee hee.

  3. You're a beautiful lady!
    Love your necklace.

  4. Great photos!

  5. Great photos!


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