
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Work in Progress ~ In the middle....

Do you remember this piece? 

This is the one that the pigment lifted in one little spot.  So I put that color patch on it.  Boy!  Did that set up some problems!  Ha!!

Then I progressed to this...

So this is where I started this week and now we have this progression!

So that is where I am.  Now I have to live with it for awhile to see if I am satisfied with all the new elements.  I love those leaves!!!  The beads are jade!  Cool, huh?

Have a magical and blessed day!!

Hugging you


  1. oh wow...loving the colors and the tree...the textures you added are really cool as well....

  2. I like the leaves too, and the tree.

  3. It's looking great! Those beads are gorgeous!!!! Have fun!

  4. Art is like that, living with it until you know :)!

  5. I love the leaves also. I don't know how you do what you do but it's always fun to see it progress.

  6. I think it's a lovely piece, and I'd leave it just as it is. Of course, I say that because anything I'd do to it would ruin it. You, on the other hand, are an artist, so maybe you'll make it even better.

  7. wow! it looks awesome!

  8. Cool! Love the elements included!

  9. I sure do like the colors, textures, and shapes.

  10. I like the whole thing. I'm so glad that art allows us now to add all the different textures. Makes life so less boring.


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