
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Martinis, Paint and Bling!!

Took Mom to the Resort, Casino and Spa, Buffalo Thunder!  We had a blast.  They were having an Art Expo with instructional classes and a vendors mart!  I attended two of the classes.  Took mom with me during one of them.  All about Encaustic Paints!  Mixing Bees Wax with Damar Varnish and pigment.  It was fun but a lengthy process and one I don't think I could make use of.  Here is the piece I crafted.

Mom enjoying Buffalo Thunder...'

Some scenery around and at Buffalo Thunder...

Also took Mom to Madrid, NM.  Shopping and sight seeing.  This is an old mining town with all the original buildings.  Also chowed down on an old fashioned ice cream cone....butter pecan!!  Yummy!!

Here are some pics....

Oh, the second class I took...heheheheh...Embellishing your art...Bling and gold leaf!  Fun class and these ideas I will use.  I tried so many different is my sample board.

As you can see...a little bit of everything!  Ha!  It was a fun class!

Mom left on Saturday and boy will she be missed!!  Sniff!  I won't see her for several months!  Sigh!!

I redid my mantle for the it is...

Before Mom arrived, I got our carpets cleaned.  Oh my!  Trying to find places for all our stuff and get it out of the way...took some creative stacking for sure...

Fun huh?  But the carpets are cleaned and everything is back...with a little tweaking!  Ha!!

At Buffalo Thunder, I took Mom down to the bar and we had a couple of martinis!  Woot!!  She became concerned about getting back to our room!  It told her that is what busboys are for...I mean, seriously!!
We made it back just fine and the martinis were fabulous!!

Well, this was definitely a Random post!  Ha!  Make sure and stop by and visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked.  The other Randomizers are in rare form for sure!!  So cool! 

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. Birbirinden güzel resimler. Paylaşım için teşekkürler..

  2. sounds and looks like you have a fun time...the first piece of art is pretty amazing...i really like the circles coming through, it adds a really cool texture and breaks up the image a bit...

  3. Looks like a very cool place!

  4. The rooms look damn nice. Seems that you had a fun time. Yay!

  5. That sure was creative stacking, wasn't it? LOL! :)

    Love your art class pieces!

    Looks like you and your mom had so much fun!! :)

    Power Company Power Play, Crazy Tattoo Idea, Wine Opener Fail, Cool Egg Yolk Tip and Hysterical Autocorrect: RTT Rebel

  6. My bedroom carpets need to be replaced...they are way beyond cleaning. Yet I cannot conceive of how to get all furniture out of the way to make it happen. So, I ignore it! That resort looks gorgeous.

  7. Always nice to be with lovely family(especially one mother). Trying new techniques can be such a blast! Looks like you had fun :D



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