
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Photos and Pumpkins!!

What wonderful weather we have been having!!  Blue blue skies and 80 degrees!  Wow!  Of course it has been 32 degrees in the morning!!!  Sheesh!  I know....fall is here and winter is around the corner...yikes!!
Here is some of our skies!

This week has been awful!  I have had the flu all week!!  Fever, headache and just feeling awful!!  My activity has been laying around!  Ha!  The big move was from bedroom to couch!!  Sigh!  I am beginning to  feel better now...but this was a tough one.  Guess my resistance is down!! 

Ahhh!  The tale of the pumpkin world has a sequel!  We have two new pumpkins and they look fabulous!!

Can't wait to harvest and put them through a photo shoot!  Yep!  Just like a model!!  Ha!  Heidi Klum look out!!!

Had out portraits done when mom was here...and we picked them up a couple of days ago.  Photos done by Kim Jew studios!!  They are located in Albq., NM.  They turned out great.  Here is one...

Pretty good huh??  Mom looks so good...she can't wait to see these!!  There were three other poses...all of them look good!  Expensive...but good.  Dr. John is still grumbling about the cost!  Ha!

The Hollyhocks are still in bloom....they are gorgeous.  Also they are doubles!!

That is it....I missed going to Gallup to take pics of Georgia getting ready for her homecoming!  Though they did send some finished pics on my phone.  But I don't know yet how to get them off.  I will keep trying.

Make sure and stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see what other randomness is going on.

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you



  1. Beautiful portrait! Sorry you have been feeling is tough to just want to lay around but I hope you are feeling better

  2. Awww! So sorry you've been sick - I hope you're feeling much better soon!

    The sky pictures are amazing as always, and I LOVE the portrait!! :)

    Fall Finally Arrives with Hotel Transylvania, Body by Vi Challenge Accepted, Comic Moment, Banana Spider and Genius Birthday Card

  3. nice...your portrait is awesome!

    i hope you are feeling better....we might be hitting the pumpkin patch this week...woohoo...i like your pumpkins though...we should try to plant some...

  4. Those clouds are magical. I like the portrait. :)
    Have a great time!

  5. SueAnn I must say those sky photos are spectacular! you did good on your pumpkins! mine did nothing this year, I think I failed to water them enough, lol!
    fabulous photo of you with your mom, and tell Dr. John they are worth every penny :-)
    blessings to you dear,

  6. I've always wanted to try growing pumpkins. But it takes so much room. Maybe next year at the barn property. Your portrait turned out beautifully. You photograph so well. Wish I could say the same!

  7. The sky pictures made me think of peaches and cream. Now I want ice cream!

  8. From your today Sat. post, that moonlit sky is dreamy. And spooky. The portrait of you, Mom and John is an instant heirloom. You look fab, as always.


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