
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Work in Progress ~ Art show cometh!!

Time is zooming...and so far I am on schedule.  Here are some more hats...

Hats are done...then I finished two more art dolls...

Talked to my son and daughter-in-law and they are coming to help me set up!!  Whew!!  I need the assistance.

I also started a new painting/collage....

I labeled and priced all that I have done...soooo...bring on the show!!!  Ha!!

I will take pics of my space when I set you will see the work in total!!

Have a creative and imaginative day!

Hugging you



  1. You ladies do know how to dress in the Southwest.

  2. i hope the show goes well for you....your hats are just amazing...each one so different and so creative....your unbodied dolls are growing on me...smiles.

  3. Its all beautiful and I hope you do well in the show.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  4. what fun! Hope your show is fabulous :) Love all of the bright colors

  5. Great stuff. You're sure to do well.

  6. Quite a variety of things for an art show! That looks like the kind of event I've never been to. Have fun! (Somehow I imagine you do, no matter where you go :)).

  7. PS I forgot to mention your things, so surprised by the things you can bring. I like those hats a lot. I always wish I looked good in a hat. I would be the silly woman trying the hats on and walking away, because I always hope I will suddenly look good in a hat, but never do. One of my girlfriends is adorable in them. She'd buy :)!

  8. I just know your part of the art show is going to be a huge success!

  9. Wowza, wowza ! And what a show it shall be !
    Those hats are marvelous !!!
    Enjoy the adventure !


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