
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Feast and decor!!

Well, it is random and it is Tuesday...sooooo....must be Random Tuesday!!  Ha!  Me?  Well I am still in a somewhat turkey coma!!

What a feast!  Gathered with my son and my DIL and the five grands...oh...and I didn't take one pic!  Sigh!
So much going on...what with new puppies and preparing the feast!  And watching the parade!!  So much to do and so little time!!  Yes, there were new puppies.  Cassie, second oldest grand, got a cutie pie named Otis..all fluff and energy.  Emma, third oldest, brought over the most adorable gray and cream pit bull puppy.  I must admit...I kind of panicked when I saw Bella...the pit bull...gumming on Otis!!  But not to worry...Otis is feisty and perfectly capable of taking care of himself!!  Ha!!  All is well and peace finally settled over the masses!


Ottis and Cassie...

Party girl...

Tree is almost done....

Remember, my theme is red, white and bling!  Next week, more of the tree and the dining room.  Ahhh!  I love this time of year!!

Been shopping!  How about you?  It just occurred to me last night that I was all done!!  Well, almost!
Dr John is still on my list and one more item for my son.  Then on to the stocking stuffers!  I am the stocking stuffer Queen!  Always find the coolest things to put into them.  Christmas in a sock!!  Ha!

Drama in the skies!!  Fabulous!!  Just had to add this!

My BFF, Cheri and I are going shopping today!  Look out sales...we have our discount radar on and we aim to ferret them out.  The best deal will be captured!  Plus lunch and a possible martini!! that is what I call shopping!!

My granddaughter, Emma, the third oldest grand..moved into a new studio apartment!!  And she is celebrating her 19th birthday!!  Wow!!  Happy Birthday dear you bunches!


That's my girl...artist and hair designer!!

Well my luvs...have a super day and hug someone!!

May you have a magical and blessed day!!

Hugging you



  1. ha, the party looks like lots of fun....bella is so cute...i bet all warm soft and cuddly as well....

  2. happy birthday to emma too...and have fun shopping today!

  3. Happy birthday to Emma and the pictures are great, I can't get enough turkey time!

  4. Bella is an angel. And I can tell you not to worry about the little pit. If she's raised properly and with lots of love, she will be the best pup ever. My Attila is a loving, docile goof who gets pushed around by a miniature sheep dog *sigh* he is just too sweet to do anything about it.

  5. I like the drama you create in your pics. Great shots!

  6. You are certainly in the holiday frame of mind. I like your blog redux for the holidays!

  7. Your tree is gorgeous! So is your family, of course!

  8. All such beauties but I think I just fell in love with that silken little pit bull. What a sweetie.

  9. Watching the Thanksgiving parade is a "must" in my book. I even watched part of it twice!

    Your family is as beautiful as ever and the puppies... Too cute.

    Happy birthday Emma!

    xo jj

  10. Best wishes to the birthday girl.

    I love the pups; You must have had quite a houseful for the party, so lovely when the best of people get together.

    Don’t spend all your money at once!

  11. I am a sucker for puppies :). And I love to fill stockings.

    Fun picts, SueAnn! Your family is beautiful.

  12. The tree looks like it will be a beauty! I'm about half done with my shopping now. Of course, MY WIFE has accomplished about half of that half. We split things fairly evenly.

  13. I enjoy seeing your random photos! those puppies are so precious, I want to hug them both, lol!
    you are finished shopping? good for you! I wish I could get organized, but alas, I'm like a man, I tend to wait till the last week, lol!


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