
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Random Tuesday ~ Not even a mouse...


 Twas the night before Christmas...and all through the house...not a creature was stirring......!!!

Today is the 18th of December!  Seven days until Christmas!!  Wow!  Just a note...I will be taking the rest of the year off..pretty much.  Company coming this coming Friday and then we will be joining them for Christmas.  Company consists of my son and his wife and two of the five kids.  Ha!!  We are going to have so much fun!

It has been snowing this past weekend and more is coming on Wednesday!!  Have I told you that I HATE snow...well...I HATE snow.  Sure it is pretty and everything looks like a Christmas Card...but...No One can drive in it!!!!!!!  Suckers driving at 80 MPH on icy roads...Seriously???

I is pretty!  A Christmas card moment...okay that is over now and we are back too  reality.  Driving in it...scrapping the the sidewalks and porches...crazy people driving!!  Need I say more?  Ha!!

Still getting ready for Christmas day....packing and wrapping.  Can't wait to see the kids faces on Christmas morn.  Love, love, love that.  Then the family prayer!!  Then dinner!!  Woot!!  Woot!!

I have found the coolest things on line this year!  Totally awesome wall decals...large ones...for the kids'
rooms.  They will love them.  And they are they can decorate their walls/rooms and have a blast.  For Lee, Jr., I purchased some large dancing stick figures...and a monkey that goes around the switchplate.  Too cool!!

As I said before..the kids are coming Friday night and we will do some pizzas for dinner!!  Yum!  We always get out pizzas from The Pizza Barn!  Best ever and so many choices!  Then on Saturday night will be a ham dinner.  The ham I will cook in the crock pot (my new best friend in the kitchen) and scalloped potatoes and corn.  For the ham, I will add brown sugar and apple juice and some cloves.  Then some pineapple slices when almost done.  (about two hours before)  Friday night I will mix up and fill the crock pot with an breakfast casserole!  Mix your ingredients, including the eggs and cook over night.  So cool and so yummy!!
So menu for the weekend is complete and Sunday we will be going to Gallup.  Woot!

My stockings are filled and over flowing!!  I need a sock to attach to the stocking!!  Ha!  Dollar Store and Avon....enough said!!

Have been doing Pay per View...Direct TV!  Watched The Dark Knight Rises and The Bourne Legacy.  Both on the dark side and action packed.  I would say they are both "B" movies!  In the Bourne Legacy, they introduce a new "super" spy and we enjoyed watching all the action.  The Dark Knight Rises, Michael Caine is still doing his part...loved him.  But his character was a bit shallow.   Anyway, if you like action movies...give them a look-see!!!

This Saturday, Dr. John and I are going to see the Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.  I have read most of the Jack Reacher novels and have always enjoyed them.  So am curious as to how they treat this character.  And I have always imagined Reacher as over 6'6" and over 240 lbs.  Sure isn't Tom this will be interesting.

Saturday morning, getting a manicure and Dr. John...well...I scheduled him for a pedicure!!  He will love it.  I have a  particular design I want...kind of like this...

Cool!!!  This will cover Christmas and New Year's Eve!  What do you think?  Will Dr. John look good in this????  Just kidding!!!  Ha!!

All of you have a safe and Merry Christmas!!  I will see you after on hand!!
And make sure you stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see what other Randomness is going on!!

I feel so blessed this Christmas....we will be all together!  Unlike some who will have presents under the tree that will not be opened.  So heartbreaking!  For those in Ct. and those who have their little ones in the heart and prayers for them.  Lord Jesus, comfort and peace to them all.  Keep them next to your heart.  And give us all wisdom and the spirit of cooperation as we deal with this national problem.

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. cool, have fun with your works for me too...smiles....i love snow, maybe you can send some my way.....and if i dont see you before, have a merry christmas sueann

  2. Love the nails and the sparkle tree and the snow. Never heard of the writer you mentioned, but know Tom Cruise. Hope you have a great weekend. Trying not be jealous a of state where there is hot sun and then snow :)! Nice.

  3. SueAnn, merry Christmas to you, my friend. Your plans sound holiday perfect. My hubby is a Reacher fan,too and was also unsure about Cruise in the role. Guess we'll find out! Hugs to you.

  4. Sounds like you have it all together SueAnn and being with family will be so wonderful. My kids are in Vegas and and CA and I am in Oregon. My husband has been really sick since October and is just now starting to recover. His daughter and grandchildren are coming out on Saturday from CA so maybe they will stay for Christmas day.

    I am blessed to still have him since he was in critical condition last week.

    Love the nails but they may get in the way on Dr John's hands ..ha ha

    Have a wonderful holiday my friend. Enjoy those babies.

    I can imagine the pain and sorrow the families of those lost at Sandy Hook. The big unexpected hole left in their hearts and lives is unbearable. God please be with these families through their pain.

    Merry Christmas SueAnn


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