
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Silent Saturday ~ Part 130 !!

The Christmas Holiday is fast approaching!  Like a freight train at full speed!!  Yikes!  Christmas!!  I love this time of year!!  All the hustle and bustle and the excited!  Yet, sometimes, the Holidays can be overwhelming!  Too much...everything!  Emotions run the gambit...from happy to so sad.  It can be tough!

So it is time to share an extra hug and lend an ear to those having a rough time.  Time to be there!

Time for a lunch or make an extra plate for dinner and share!

Time to make a phone call...just to chat!

Time to get that special present and give!

Time to just sit and about tea or coffee together?

Time for tenderness, comfort and joy!

Time to just be there!

Hope I added some color to your life?  Tis the season!

Have a warm and loving day!

Hugging you,



  1. wow that last one looks like a painting...very the park bench as well...and the heart for the season too....smiles....have a lovely saturday sue ann

  2. The pictures are stunning specially the last one ~ If I can't find a good picture for D'verse on Tuesday poetry link up, can I use this, credit to you?

    Thank you ~

  3. great pictures. Z like the sunflowers best I think but the yucca is nice too.

  4. Textures have enhanced the images. Great series.

  5. Oooooooh! That purple blossom and the seat. Love that one best!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  6. I love these photos! You have a wonderful blog SueAnn

  7. I sat with a friend recently talking about how hard Christmas can be and how we are raised to believe it is magical. Not for everyone. This is a good reminder that for some it is painful time of the year.

  8. Great pictures, tnkx for sharing!

  9. You added some swell advice to MY life. Some folks just need an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, etc., and maybe I can give that to somebody. I hope so.

  10. Hi SueAnn, You really outdid yourself with this beautiful colors and textures. Yum!

    Merry Christmas, xo jj

  11. Gorgeous photos and wonderful sentiments. Thank you for sharing them both!!!


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