
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hey! It's Just Me!

Yep!  Just me...answering some questions about...ME!!  Joanna at the Fifty Factor and even Suldog have answered I thought I would add myself to the mix!  You can join in too! 

So here we go:

Age    almost 64
Bed Size-   king – Sleep Comfort- luxury
Chore You Hate- folding tee shirts
Dogs- love all breeds, esp. bulldogs
Essential Start To My Day – iced coffee and diet mountain dew
Favorite Color – sky blue, pink, burgundy
Gold or Silver- I will take  both…thank you very much
House or Apartment - house
Instruments Played - none
Job Title – full time human –self-employed artist
Kids – one son….five grands
Live – New Mexico
Married – yes….39 years….woot!!
Never Again – eat or cook liver
Other Fun Fact  -  I love TV
Pet Peeve – arrogance and selfishness
Quote – If someone tells you who they are; believe them! 
Righty or Lefty – both can and do use both left and right hands
Siblings – three younger  brothers
Time You Wake Up – 2 AM to 3 AM
University Attended – Cleveland Institute of Art
Veggies You Dislike – Cooked okra
What Makes You Run Late – nothing…always painfully early….always
X-Rays – have had many….I think it is so weird to know they can look inside like that and see me really naked!!  Ha!!
Yum Food – Mashed potatoes and gravy; lemon meringue pie; sage bread stuffing and gravy; pumpkin pie…I love Thanksgiving dinner!!  
 Zoo Animal Favorite -  Elephant

So there you have it!  Fun questions and not too painful!
Remember to join in and visit the other blogs as well!!

Have a creative and magical day!
Hugging you


  1. Iced coffee AND Diet Mountain Dew? Like, mixed together? Yuck!

  2. Very nice photo, delicious winter light, beautiful silhouette.

  3. Okay....the only thing that threw me was the 2AM to 3AM!! You kiddin' me girl! That's the middle of the night.


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