
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Randon Tuesday ~ A wing, A prayer and a Party!

Stacy is Tuesday and that time again! Random Tuesday!!! Stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and read what is going on around the world!  Just click on the Random link above and it will take you right there!!  Always entertaining..never boring...go on!  You know you want too!!

Well...sick..that is where I spent my week...under the covers.  Missed going out on Dr. John's birthday did he...he took care of me!!  Sweet!!  Then there was the AMEC party!!  A Hawaiian feast!  Hula dancers and all.  Dr. John took our eldest granddaughter, Lisa, and also Butch and Cheri came along too!!  My second oldest grand, Cassie, stayed here and watched Frankenweenie and ate pizza!!  So we had fun too!  But....I missed the party!!!  At least, they had a blast!  Cheri took some pics!  I guess Dr. John is the party animal!!  Ha!

  Inquiring minds want to know what Dr. John had for dinner??  Ha!!  I am glad they had fun ...even though I missed the whole thing!!  Sniff!!

Lisa and Cassie

A wing?  That is Dr. John!  An angel of mercy all weekend long taking care of me!  Along with Cassie and my Grandpuppy, Otis!!

Last weekend, I took some pics of Cheri at work in her studio cutting Dr. John's hair!!  These will possibly be used on her new web site.  I have a link in my sidebar to take you there...go and see some beautiful jewelry!  She makes some beautiful pieces.

I entered a Juried Photography Show and hope I get in.  The show will be held in April, 2013 and is for New Mexico Women Photographers!  I have never entered a juried photo show, so this is a first for me. 
Anywho..this is what I sent...

The yellow photo I entitled, "Through the Looking Glass"!  And it is extremely altered!  Ha!  I beaded it and paper pierced the edges.  I mounted it on a canvas board and painted and stenciled all around the photo!

The show is called Insight.  And anything goes with the pieces you submit.  The only criteria is that is will be wired and can hang in the gallery!  Right up my alley!  So here's hoping....all pieces will be for sale at the show.  The other two will be framed.  They too are altered...just not as extreme!

I am also getting ready to go to Tucson...Feb. 8th!  Dr. John is coming along.  I will be taking two classes and they are right in the middle of the bead show.  So, of course, I have to shop before and after each class!

Called Art Retreat in the Desert!  Should be tons of fun...I will take pics and give more info next week.
The classes will be jewelry construction classes and I am so excited!

Well, the pillow is calling.  Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the earache!!  No throwing up!  Yay!

I will leave you with a gorgeous Sunrise photo!

Have a magical and creative day!
Hugging you


  1. oh i am sorry you have been sick but glad you had your angel to take care of the pics for the show, i know you will do well...smiles...have fun with your travels and class as well..

  2. Awwww! I'm sorry you've been sick! How sweet of Dr. John to 'doctor' you - he's a keeper! ;)

    I can't wait to find out how your pictures do with the jury. ;) I bet they'll be oooh'd and ahhhh'd over like I just did. ;)

    Feel better - and safe travels!

    Wishing for Snow, Valentine Unicorn Bouquet, Sore ThroatWishing for Snow, Valentine Unicorn Bouquet, Sore Throat Remedy – RTT Rebel

  3. Great pics - thanks for sharing. Looks like a fun party too for sure! Cute puppy! Hailing from Stacy's Random Tuesday. I'm your latest follower. Nice to meet you. Hope you can stop by & do the same. :) Have a great day!

  4. Being sick is the worst and I think everyone's gotten it this year. :(

    The pics are really great.

  5. I'm getting hit with every sickness there is this yer it seems. I hope you're feeling better. I must say that limbo picture was impressive, I tried to do it last year and fell flat on my butt!

  6. Its so annoying when plans have to be changed or cancelled because of illness.
    I'm just getting over a fluey thing myself & have had to waste 3 days indoors by the fire. Whacked out.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  7. So sorry to hear that you were sick!! It's no fun to miss out on fun parties!!! Hugs!

    Good luck with the show - hope you get picked! But I'm betting you will!

    Feel better, take it easy and keep crafting!


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