
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Silent Saturday ~ Up Close and Personal!

Sometimes you have to back up and take a second look....a change of scenery can bring a whole new prospective....or looking at a different time of day....or with a changing light.  Brings a whole new image...

Another look...

Look again...

And last but not least...

If things look unclear...look again...or back up and look at a different angle...with a different take!
It can transform your image...and your situation!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you


  1. oo i rather like that first one after look again...the shadows are accentuated nicely without losing the color...

    happy saturday sue ann!

  2. I like cactus...and yours keeps changing colors:) Enjoy your weekend

  3. Hi SueAnn,
    Art is truly in the hands of the creator, and how one sees it.
    And where would we be if we could not create it in our own vision. To see something ordinary then taking it to an altered level is what makes each artistic piece speak.

    Love what you see behind the lens, and the level you take it to artistically.

    Thank you sweet friend for taking the time to grace your beauty over at my place, and taking the time to leave a comment that joys.

    Beautiful artistic weekend to you.


  4. Yes, perspective is everything. I like the natural photos best but I do enjoy seeing what you can do with colour and texture.

  5. Not to get all hippie-stoner on you, but that's one of the things I so enjoyed about smoking pot. It changed my perception SLIGHTLY. I saw things in a new light. Detail absorbed me in ways it never did when I was straight. I was able to retain that viewpoint later, without chemical aid, and it enriched my life tremendously.

    You weren't asking for unsolicited drug commentary, of course, so my apologies. However, it was the first thing that came to mind, so I said it (which hasn't always worked to my benefit over the years, but so be it :-) )

  6. Such unbelievable colours! Magnificent. I love each picture for itself, before and after treatment.

  7. LIke the first one best and the buds and succulents next!
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  8. Each permutation is more amazing than the one before it.


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