
Friday, March 15, 2013

Creative License Part Two ~ Through the Looking Glass!

The challenge this week offered to  us was an image from Cathy.  She shared this image for all of us to edit/alter.  Beautiful image, straight from her camera!  The image is...


Here is what I did with it...

Visit She Who Carries a Camera and join in the fun.  Every week, a new image will be offered.  All you need to do is put on your creative hat and go for it.

Have a creative and imaginative day!
Hugging you


  1. I have to say, the last edit is my fave! I'm not exactly sure why, but it might be the colors that I'm attracted to and the graphic nature of it! Well done!

  2. I agree - the last version caught my eye and it is a fun and interesting version.. Lots of ideas you had - I love seeing people be creative..

  3. I like the first one with the trees, though I would have not cropped out the two people at left, but still a nice combination

    have a great day.

  4. nice...last one is def my fav....the original is really good...but the last rings of mod art to me..maybe i am on a mod art kick...ha...

    have a wonderful weekend....

  5. Oh my, these are cool. Love the artistic look.

  6. nice ideas! the first edit is my fave :)

  7. Sue Ann, thank you so much for taking the time to edit my photo! I really like how you incorporated my favorite subject into your first edit : ) You have really added some new touches to my photo in your other two edits, and I appreciate their uniqueness!

  8. Very nice. I like the second to last one best.

  9. Your treatments are gorgeous. You have a great imagination and eye.


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