
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Silent Saturday ~ Looking Down The Road!

Don't be afraid to look ahead....goals and plans steer the ship of life.

Without plans?  The ship sails aimlessly!

With some plans; the trip will become exciting.  You will see things you never figured on.

Now you can relax and enjoy the journey!

Have a creative and imaginative day!
Hugging you


  1. nice...that last pic is full of texture...i like how you caught the light int he forest pics up top...the building with the cross over it is a little freaky...

    happy saturday sueann

  2. I love all these wonderful scenes of nature

  3. I finally found you! I wrote you a couple of weeks ago but didn't get a response. I didn't know if you still had a blog because I couldn't find one. When you mentioned in your comment today about also doing wood today, I went hunting again and this time I found you! Lovely images!

  4. Now, that I saw your URL, I don't know how I misplaced you, because it looks the same as the one I used to have in my reader. Hmmmm.

  5. They are all lovely but I like the naturalness of the second one best.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  6. Lovely images and uplifting message, considering all that is going on with you. Sending a Salem hug. Charlotte

  7. Woohoo.. what a colourful ride!

  8. I’ve got it, your pictures would do well as illustrations in children’s fairy tales.

  9. I scrolled back to the first pic twice, it is so well done. Great series!


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