
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ Prom, Pain and Ahhhh!


It is that time again!! Prom dress shopping!!  Always fun and an excellent time spent with family!  This time it is for my youngest granddaughter, Georgia Rose (Jo). 

She wasn't sure what she wanted so off we went to David's Bridal.  Their selection wasn't a little lean this year.  Sigh!  So we traveled to the Mall which is just down the road from David's.  First order of business, LUNCH!  Yummmmmmm...shrimp teriyaki!  Then J. C. Penney...oh dear.  Most dresses where for size 2, 3 and 4!  You have got to be kidding!! we went again.  This time we found a place called  Expressions!  So many gowns.....prom heaven.   She found many that were her size and many that she liked!  Good!

The owners of the store were friendly and helpful and did a lot of the hand work, such as beading and such!  Anywho, she tried on several and finally found her dress!!  So beautiful!  And not beaded at all!  Surprise!  Here are some pictures...

not the one


so many to see

not this one

by golly..this one she likes


so many to little time


Thursday, saw the Oral Surgeon.  Biopsy news!  And the report is in...I have Lichen Planus which is loosely related to a form of Lupus.  Great!  It is an auto immune disease...and treatment recommended by Dr. Traub is to try steriods!  Great again!  So a low dose steriod will begin and slowly increase until pain stops.  Sigh!  Doesn't sound promising does it.  So the search goes on in a way!

Saturday, Dr. John and I received a treat from Cheri....well actually we had received this wonderful gift for Christmas.  An one hour massage each!!!  Ahhhhhh!  So off we went to meet with Gina of WindSpirit Massage...and what a wonderful time.  Gina is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!  Magic hands for sure.  So magic that we were worthless for the rest of the day!  Ha!  We came home and slept until 7PM.  Then we went to bed at 9PM and slept until 8AM!!!  OMGeeeee!  Did we need that or what???  Ha!!  Thank you Cheri and thank you Gina!!

On the 24th of this month, we are going to Las Cruces...John to attend a conference and give a talk at to look around at houses and such!  I am excited!!  Alice is staying at my house to keep an eye on it!  Thanks Alice!

Then I no longer get back from Cruces and the 28th I hop on a plane...Southwest...and fly out to Columbus, Ohio!  My mom in having surgery on the 29th and I am going to lend a helping hand.  She lives in Lancaster, Ohio which is south of Columbus.  My sweet sister-in-law, Patti and brother Mark will be picking me up from the airport!!  And taking me to Lancaster...thank you guys!!

Mom is having her entire shoulder replaced!  OUCH!  She insisted that she could handle this on her own!  Ha!  That's my mom...85 years young and fiercely independent!  She looks like she is 55!!

Mom and my grandson

Gorgeous isn't she?

Well that is it for me.....make sure and stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked and see what Randomness is occurring there!  Always entertaining!

I would like to close with prayers and good, positive thoughts for all those that were touched by the unconscionable violence in Boston!!!!!  I am unable to find the words that adequately state my shock and horror about this!!  Lord, please send healing and comfort to all those in need!

Have a blessed and safe day!
Hugging you



  1. What fun, choosing a pretty dress for a pretty girl. Did you manage not to sneak a look at anything suitable for yourself? For a party maybe?

    Sorry to hear about having to go on steroids. You’ll have to watch the weight, high doses of steroids pile it on mercilessly.

    If you aim to emulate your mum, you can’t go wrong!

  2. Ouch.. sorry to hear about the painful situation. Steroids are no fun but I sure hope they help. Your mom sounds like a real go getter and I can see the resemblance between the two of you. I'll keep both of you in my best thoughts.

    Your granddaughter is quite the gown model. I'm sure you all had a blast helping her decide.

  3. pretty dresses ~ but makes me glad I don't have kids. If the second lite blue one had a plain waist instead of the satin ruching it would have been very pretty on her. It is sad that the clothes they have for young folks is supposed to make them look like they are working a street corner in place of having fun at a party. With her beautiful blond hair and her age the pastels would be prettier on her than the jewel tones that make her look too old. But I am an old fogy of 65 with very old fashioned ideas. She is very pretty and I will watch to see the final choice. Tell her to have fun ~ this time only comes once in a life and is quickly gone.

  4. I'm actually looking forward to Prom dress shopping with Princess Nagger in about 5 or 7 years. :) She picked out some stunners - can't wait to see what she ended up getting! :)

    Oh man, so sorry on the diagnosis - I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! ((HUGZ!))

    Have FUN in Las Cruces!!

    Your mom does NOT look 85!! I'll keep her and her shoulder replacement in my thoughts and prayers too - ouch!!

    Boston Sadness, Bus Driver Roulette, and some Lighter Fare: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

  5. so if the steroids work, will you have to take them all the time? at least you finally know what is causing the pain even if it's not great news.

  6. What a great family you are! This post made my day.

  7. All the dresses she tried on were so pretty!!!! What a beautiful girl!

    Ouchie, indeed! I hope you find pain relief and SOON!!!

    Your Mom sounds like a doll. Be sure to send her our very best wishes.


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