
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ Surgery, Stitches and Pain!

 This has definitely been an interesting week. Carpet cleaned, walking 4 miles, and surgery! Sigh!

It has definitely been a long week...I forgot how much work it is to get your carpet cleaned! But thanks to Stanley Steamer, it wasn't so bad. They moved all the heavy pieces and they completed the task in one hour and fifteen minutes! Amazing!

I see Blogger is having interesting format set ups.  Oh well!  Ha!

Cheri and I have been walking every day and have been trying to increase our distance.  We finally got up tp 4.4 miles!  Woot!!  But boy is that a work out!  Some sights on my walk....

Now on to the oral surgeon....ouch!  Since all his attempts to alleviate my pain by different drugs hasn't proven to work...he decided that there could  be an underlying gum infection or bacteria of sorts.  So he wanted to do a biopsy!  I agreed mainly because I want this all to end.  So on Thursday I showed up bright and early.  He shot me full of Novocaine and proceeded to cut out a very small piece of my gum.  About the size of a pea.    He said we would know the results by next Thursday.  He closed the area with about three stitches and gave me pain meds and sent me on my way.  Actually, I had more pain where the shots were administered!  Sigh!

So we will  see!  Hope there will be some answers now...the pain is quite disconcerting.

I think spring is attempting a more permanent stay!  Temps have been in the 60's during the day but still quite chilly in the AM.  About 20 degrees!  But now the winds have hit!  30 to 65 MPH!  The blowing dust and pollen have been a nuisance!  Walking has become an exercise in endurance.  Ha!

This is week two of my new diet and so far so good.  I had gained 7 lbs. and now it is all gone!  Woowee!  I am back to where I started in November 2012.  So now we go for the 40 lb. loss!!  The diet I am following is called the St. Joseph's Diet!  It is strict for three days and then you can eat within reason!  I don't mind it at all.  You can Google it and you will see the three day plan.  At least I can have a martini every once in awhile!  Ha!

Dr. John, Cheri and I went to the Engineers Ball last Friday night.  And would you believe I forgot my camera?  I did!  Sigh!  Cheri and I had a great time though....most of the engineers are a dry sort of group...sense of humor is limited!  Ha!!!  Just kidding...but our table was kind of subdued...we were the lively ones!  Cheri looked gorgeous in her red dress!  And they had a jazz quartet playing off and on all evening.  We ordered a martini and received the smallest martini I have ever seen!!  So we ordered a margarita and we felt much better!!

I am sorry for the lack of photos..I have definitely been lax were my blog is concerned!  I will correct this immediately.

I am getting my tattoo embellished in two weeks!  Larger and more color!  Cheri had her's re-outlined and more color added.  It looks great!  My turn!  Such is my life!

Paid our Income Tax....ugh!  And now we have been directed to pay estimate tax every quarter!!!  Yikes!  Just what we needed.

And now the old truck is giving off death a new car is in order.  I love the timing of things in life!  Keeps you dancing and ducking and dodging, doesn't it?

Well, that is it for me!  Make sure you stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked!  Always good Randomizing and Carrying on there!!  Ha!  Join up and add your own Random Thoughts!  Inquiring minds want to know!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you



  1. I hope your pain is fixed ASAP!!! I'm surprised he didn't just give you anti-biotics. I know if you DO have an infection, it greatly reduces the effects of Novacaine, and when I had to have my tooth pulled, it was basically with NOTHING because the infection underneath was so bad!!! Not fun!!

    Hang in there! Hugs!

  2. This post was full of stuff. Love the photos of your dry country. Getting a tatoo enchanced. First I have heard of that, usually it is people getting their tatoos removed!

  3. woot on enhancing your tattoo...ugh on the oral surgery...pea sized sounds huge you know...smiles...oy...hope they figure it out you know....

  4. Over 4 miles...I am totally impressed!!

  5. Hi ! I cannot connect with you on your other page- so I am saying thank you here for visiting me on the
    Mag write! I like the photo's you have from your walk!

  6. tattoo? why SueAnn, you rebel you. show us a pic.

  7. Oh OUCH, SueAnn! I sure hope they figure out what's causing the pain and get it taken care of for you - it is disconcerting for sure!!

    Good for you not only increasing your distance on your walks, but also losing that 7 lbs! Way to go! Love the pics - you sure do have a scenic route, don't you? :)

    Monday Madness saved by Twitter Honor, Menopausal Mother Nature and Doppelgänger Fun: Random Tuesday Thoughts Rebel

  8. Oh geez, I hope the pain issue gets sorted soon!
    I had to giggle that your walk is up to 4.4 miles, but you're still snapping off photos while you walk :) That's awesome.
    Keep us posted on your results please!

  9. Hope you get well soon. Great pictures from you.


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