
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ It's been a long, long time!

Stacy It has been a long time...but here I am...missed you all so much!! I will do my best to fill in the blanks over the last few weeks...ready?

On April 24th, went to Las Cruces.  Dr. John had a conference and we also wanted to check out houses.  We had a great time and I took lots of pics....of the beautiful hotel we stayed at and of the area.

El Conte is a wonderful spanish style hotel just east if the NMS campus!

Beautiful isn't it?  So traditional in style...colorful and lots of statuary and wood!

On Thursday after, Paola Bandini (professor at NMS) took us on a tour of the areas.  We went every where and saw some beautiful houses.  Some way beyond our reach money wise but gorgeous.  Here are a couple of houses that I liked...

Areas are varied and very natural.  Most use zero landscaping to offset the need for water.  Lots of palmetto trees and cactus!  Fun!

Then on the 27th we returned home...the 28th found me here...

 Off to see my mom in Ohio (Lancaster)...time to play nurse and cheerleader.  Getting a shoulder replaced is no easy feat.  She had surgery on the 29th and was alert and talking two hours after surgery.  She was up and walking two hours after that!!  Amazing woman....

Some pics from mom's house...

split-leaf maple--red

lilac bush


She has beautiful gardens...she works on them every day!  Weeding, pruning and mulching...she will be 85 in August...she is my inspiration.

Returned home on May 11th and boy was I discombobulated!!  I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going!  Ha!!

Took me most of the week to get my bearings....May 12th...Mother's Day!  Oh, before I forget, Dr. John met me at the airport with a bouquet of flowers in his arms...grinning from ear too ear!!!  Many people were patting him on the back for that one.  Me....well I gave him a big kiss.

When I got home, there was a bag on the table from Zales Jewelers...inside a pinkish gold watch with diamonds around the dial and a single diamond on the setting pin!!  I was overwhelmed...this totally surprised me!  So sweet and the watch is gorgeous!  I have never had a grown up watch!  This is a Buliva!! 

On the 13th....nails and toes where taken  care of...ahhhhhh!  So relaxing but I still don't know who is on first!  LOL!!  Nails turned out great..Erin did a good job!

14th went to get blood work done for my heart doctor, Dr. Frankis!  Bloodwork attempt...a total fail...couldn't find a vein that would cooperate.....8 pokes later and large and swelling bruises...I left with only a one inch vial done!  Ha!  What a mess...they want me back on Friday....sheesh!

Saw the oral surgeon on the 17th...prednezone treatment was not successful.  Gums still sore and red and splotchy.   So we move on to trying Gabapentin...a medicine they use for seizures.  Great.....!  But according to the doctor and the pharmacists, this medication is used for dental TMJ!  So I have been using this new med for about one week.  My gums have actually been half way better...pain lessening!  Soooooo....I will continue until I see oral surgeon in two weeks.

Then I got a new!  Jenny did a great is floral and ties into my ankle tattoo!  Here it is....I love it!

On Saturday John and I got a full body massage....ahhhhhhhhh!  Gina does a fabulous job...she is Wind Spirit Therapeutic Massage!  And I never felt so good....can't wait till my next one.

Monday night I have to say, that I made one hell of a dinner.  I shared a plate with Cheri.  Curried beef and dumplings, made from scratch, corn bread casserole and lemon zest brownies!!!  Talk about YUM!!!!  It was delish!!!!

Now it is time to take my full body and rest....make a list of what I am doing...and try to get organized.  Dr. John and I walked around the outside of our house and made a punch list of things that had to be done before we list the house next year.  We have a ton of things to do!!!  I am starting with the carpet in the living room and hallway.  It needs replaced!  So they are coming to measure for wood or Berber carpeting...whatever is the best price!!  Ha!  I couldn't make up my mind.

That is it for now....make sure an stop by Stacy's at Stacy Uncorked.  Lots of Randomness going on for sure.

Have a creative and imaginative day!
Hugging you


  1. Well, I am exhausted just reading this! And yet you still have energy to get your house ready for a sale.

  2. oh your nails...and the watch....what a cool place you visited as the architecture....

  3. Busy as usual, I see. Oh, and beatuiful tattoo! I still don't know what I want for mine... and I have to be careful because I will most likely always be working an office job (conservative Muslim office at the moment) - so it will have to be something I can cover up with clothes... *sigh*

  4. wow, you've been a busy lady. love the new tat.

  5. The bees are covering their faces in shame. Wow, dear SueAnn, you've been extremely busy (doing good things, which is awesome). Love the flowers at your mom's. And your nails are perfect as usual ;-)

  6. Oh my goodness, you've been busy. And colourful! Welcome back, SueAnn. :)

  7. I have the vapors. Get me a lemon zest brownie while I recover. SueAnn, I feel ya with the coming or going dance. Major stuff going on there. Seems you are keeping your sense of humor...for now. This years journey will certainly be interesting. Hugs,,,Charlotte


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