
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ Still confused, and another vacation!!!

Stacy Back from mom's for over one week and I am still not sure what I am doing and then what happens???  Memorial weekend!!  Dr. John home for four days!!   Woot!  So we took another staycation!!!  And I totally forgot about Silent Saturday!!  Oops!  Sorry!! 

In honor of Silent Saturday....

Did this make you feel better?  I hope so!  I totally forgot!  Sorry!

Friday Dr. John and I went to the movies with Butch and Cheri and Mike and Kathy!  What a blast!  Butch, Cheri and Mike and Kathy went to see the Great Gatsby...we went to Star Trek!!  Woot!!  Neither Dr. John nor I were interested in Gatsby....Star Trek for us for sure!  And we loved the movie.  If you haven't seen this one...go!!

Takes you back to Kurk's early days and ties together some loose ends.  Ends that you didn't realize were loose!  Ha!!  'nuff said!!

Very cool movie...we loved it!  The vote taken on our movie mates, rated Gatsby as oh okay!  Ha!

When movies were over, we went to Pappadeux's for drinks and oysters!!  Yum and Yum!

Dr, John, Kathy and Mike

Myself and Dr. John

Cheri and Butch

From here, we went to Paisanno's Italian Rest. and ooo-lala!  Was their food good!!  We all tried something different and the vote was AAA++++!  Nice quaint place to dine.  Fabulous!

Chicken Parm and fresh cut noodles

Aaaamazing!  And the best Veal around!

Saturday was errand day....we went to Home Depot and met with Taunya and discussed kitchen counter tops.  We chose a beautiful granite!  What sells a house is kitchen's and flooring!  We are next getting measured for wood floors.  So, all the things we have wanted for ourselves, we are doing now to sell!  Sigh!
But our carpet is nasty and the kitchen counter that we have is laminate and our stove never really fit into it.  So now it will.  We have new, stainless steel appliances and a new washer and dryer.  So we will be almost good to go. 

The punch list we made will leave us with stucco patching, landscaping around the front of the house, and a new garage door.  We will be getting rid of my studio, which is in the two-car garage and turning it back into a functional garage.  We will list next spring!!  Woot!!  It's happening!!

Sunday I did laundry and made baked beans and deviled eggs to go with the fresh bratswurst I was going to cook in dark beer,  John then put them on the grill, just 15 minutes before we went to Cheri's and Butch's for a cook in!!  I took my Honey Whiskey too...yum!!  Dinner was great and we celebrated Butch's birthday!  Happy Birthday Butch!!  Fun times!

Monday we walked, all of us, in the morning and then kind of lazed around the rest of the day.  I edited 145 pictures!  Whew!!  But I do love to play around with the photos!  It was fun!  Dr. John had a paper to edit and caught up on some much needed paperwork! 

Today finds stacation over and Dr. John back to work.  Me...I will be working in my studio!  There is a necklace I started and never finished.  Also, I have an idea for an my day will be full and fun!

Have you visited my other blog...Suddenly Speaking?  Icon is on my sidebar.  You should...lots of modern poetry.  Just finished a piece which has some twists and turns you might like.  Just saying....

That's it for me...make sure you visit Stacy at Stacy Uncorked...lots of other Randomizers meet over there and share some exciting stories of fun and Zombie wars and stuff like that...go on over now!!

Have a magical and blessed day!
Hugging you,


  1. i know your other place....smiles...the parm looks great...and i can not wait to see start trek...i will see it in a few months when it gets to the dollar theatre...but it looks so good...

  2. My sister and her hubby saw Start Trek this weekend - she concurs that it's a MUST see! :)

    That fiery sky is amazing!!

    You and Dr. John look awesome (as does that parm!) :)

    Your punch list sounds reasonable - we have one going on, too. Our respective upcoming moving adventures are going to be fun, right?! :)

    The Month of May Brought Lots of Smiles – with More to Come in a 10 Things to Smile about RTT Rebel kinda way


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