
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Random Tuesday ~ Slow but Sure.....!

Stacy I am trying to pay attention....really I am!  Helping my granddaughter, Cassie move in last Saturday...I fell when entering her new apartment!!!  Damn!  On my knees and wrist again.  Can you believe it? I sure couldn't!!  Didn't see that step into her apartment....sigh!!

Both knees still messed up and right killing me!!  Going to doctor this morning to have it checked yet again!!


On Sunday, picked up my granddaughter, Emma, to spend the week for a little R & R!!    This is going to be fun!  We are thrift store shopping and mall trekking and lunching to our fill!  Lunch with Cassie today at fav Italian Bistro!

Got some amazing sunset pictures the other day!

Awesome, yes?!!!

Gotta go for now.....hurts too much to continue!!  Sorry!

Visit Stacy.

Have a magical and blessed day!

Hugging you


  1. Steady as she goes, old girl, perhaps a little less haste?

    Take care and rest the bits that hurt.

  2. Look after your injuries because one thing can lead to another, as I found out when I twisted my ankle a couple of years ago and I walked about on it too soon.
    Causes me problems.
    Have fun with your granddaughter.
    Lovely photos.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  3. Take good care and be gentle with yourself (and very watchful so that you don't get hurt). So sorry to hear that your wrist is hurt.

  4. You really need to stop falling!

    (I know, Ms. Obvious talking.)

    My boss fell on the stairs last week, andt he first thing that came to my mind was, "But Rauda, why did you do that?"

    Her reply, "I was tired of dancing."

    (She will have surgery this week.)

    So, just saying - take care! You still need your knees and wrists for all your grand- and great-grandchildren!

  5. oh i am sorry you fell again...on the same side too...i hope all is well when you go to the doctor today, though i imagine it will take some take care of yourself sue ann...

  6. Ouchie!! Please be careful!

    GORGEOUS photos - wow!

    Enjoy your time with your Granddaughter!! I want to go shopping and have lunch too!!!

  7. So sorry about your injuries. Please rest, so that you may heal fast!


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