
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

post signatureRANDOM MONTHLY!!!!
It has been a long time since my last post....long, long time!!  Sorry about that; I have really missed all of you very much!
A blast from the past....
I have been very ill and along with the slowly healing broken has just been too hard to post.  I have been diagnosed with COPD, along with asthma and Congestive Heart Failure!!  Sigh!
This is making my quality of life totally sucky!
In October, Dr. John and I spent two glorious weeks in Key West!!  Fun times and lots of rest and sun for both of us.
I see my picture problems continue!!  Sheesh!
I have been able to spend a lot more time with family lately...what a blessing!  And guess what?!  My granddaughter, Emma. is expecting in May!!  woot!  I am going to be a Great Granny!  Love it and love her.  All is going well with her and baby!
As I struggle here, I won't be posting again until mid-January!  Soooooo, Merry Christmas and the very Happiest of  New Years to you all!
Hugs and blessings!
May you have a blessed and wonderful Holiday
Hugging you


  1. My comment went in to the ether sphere it seems. I am so sorry about all of this hitting you all at once AND over the holiday season. Key West does sound like the best medicine. I thought you were on travel!

  2. i am sorry you are under the weather...but i am glad that you got to spend more time with family....i hope you have an incredible christmas....smiles...

  3. Sorry that you are having so many health issues, Sue Ann. I hope that the holidays still have some sweet moments for you and that you get comfort from some good loving. Merry Christmas to you and yours !

  4. Sorry that you are having so many health issues, Sue Ann. I hope that the holidays still have some sweet moments for you and that you get comfort from some good loving. Merry Christmas to you and yours !

  5. oh SueAnn, when it rains it pours right? Somehow I missed that you had broken your wrist, trouble enough just by itself. unfortunately we are getting to the age when health issues really start popping up. so sorry to hear about all the problems.

  6. I am so sorry to hear that you're having these health woes. Rest and relaxation sounds like a good healer to me. I hope you're able to continue doing just that. Your photos are lovely as always. You keep on healing and try to enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your family. Big hugs to you.

  7. Wow, that's a lot to swallow. I've been thinking about you and hoping you are feeling well enough to enjoy your family and the holidays. Sounds like you are. Love and Hugs, Charlotte

  8. Wondered where you were! Glad you posted again.
    A Great Granny! Wow! Congratulations!
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your illness, what a bummer.
    Take care of yourself and make the most of the lovely season coming up.

    Best wishes, Friko

  10. Merry Christmas to you, SueAnn. So sorry to hear of your health issues, but, having to spend time in Key West? Really? I love Key West. Glad you enjoyed it.

    Congrats on the great grandbaby. Feel better and Merry Christmas!

  11. A (belated) Merry Christmas to you, too, Sue Ann. And a very Happy New Year! I'll say a prayer concerning the health issues.

  12. Hi SueAnn, I've been away for a while too.
    So very sorry to hear you are dealing with some difficult healthy issues. I hope your wrist is on the mend and you are in good medical and making progress with her COPD and heart issues. Know that I'm cheering you on.
    And a big, happy high five on the new great grandbaby on the way. What a glorious thing to look forward to.
    xoxo jj

  13. "SueAnn's Journey" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  14. hey sue ann...its been quite a while but i thought of you today and remembered you being ill...i just wanted to make sure you were alright...smiles.

  15. Hi SueAnn
    Sorry to hear you have been unwell.
    Hope you get better soon.

    We miss you very much.

    It would be lovely if you could hobble into my Ballroom for my Reunion of Bloggy Pals. Instead of dancing we could sit it out and I'd read a lovely poem to you to the sound of gorgeous music.

    URL is whentou feel better:

    Hugs ~ Eddie

  16. Just stopping by to say that I'm thinking of you and hoping that you are not feeling too poorly.

    By now, your great grandchild must be here adding some sunshine to your life.

    Take good care SueAnn and please check in when you can.



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