
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

And so it begins......

   opened the first door I saw.....

                       well of course I thought about it...for two years....seemed a wonderful thing to do
so with a great deal of enthusiasm....I flung them open!!!!
          heavier than I thought they would be.....


Boxes strewn upon the floor....dreams and dollars as before.....
                               promises broken............knuckles scrapped.....temperatures rising
                                                                no escape!!!!!!!!!

Out of boxes...bills rest for the some more!
                                     Water running through the cracks+++++

 Friends remembered on the page...stopping to share my cup of rage......
                                                          Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall
                                                                         Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!!!

And through it all.....there is the page...the wooden cross....and the possible stage!!!

More later!

Have a very gracious and blessed day


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